EB1 statistics from the USCIS


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Looking a the statistics for 2006 from the USCIS, I found here
a table of the number of persons granted legal permanent residence.

Here is an excerpt for EB1 (1st priority)

Employment-based preferences 159,081

First: Priority workers 36,960
Aliens with extraordinary ability, new arrivals (E11) 670
Aliens with extraordinary ability, adjustments (E16) 2,669
Outstanding professors or researchers, new arrivals (E12) 121
Outstanding professors or researchers, adjustments (E17) 2,830
Multinational executives or managers, new arrivals (E13) 1,178
Multinational executives or managers, adjustments (E18) 7,602
Spouses of E11, E12, E13, E16, E17, or E18, new arrivals (E14) 1,358
Spouses of E11, E12, E13, E16, E17, or E18, adjustments (E19) 9,082
Children of E11, E12, E13, E16, E17, or E18, new arrivals (E15) 1,573
Children of E11, E12, E13, E16, E17, or E18, adjustments (E10) 9,877

If you are interested in other priorities, you can follow the link above.

A question for those who know better than I do... new arrivals are cases arrived and actually completed in 2006, and adjustments are cases filed in 2005 and completed or 2006, or it is something else?

I did not find an equivalent table with the number of applications. Is it somewhere? It seems that the statistics available are only for granted petitions...

Just curious ;)
new arrivals = people who applied from outside the US (physically residing outside the contiguous US)

adjustments = folks who are inside the US in a non-immigrant category adjusting to a immigration visa(green card)