EB1 Question


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i am applying for EB1 with following :

- Postdoc in US
- 15 Journals (10 first author )
- 5 conference papers
- 10 recommendation letters
- currenty Assistant professor at very reputed university
- Got good grants
- 50+ citations

My question is about memberships.... i am curretly member of only one society (American Chemical Society)
how important are mension no.of memberships?
or should i subscibe to 2-3 more before submitting documents?
Are you doing EB1-OR or EB1-EA.

If you are doing EB1-OR, your credentials are good. May be you want to have some more memberships. But these memberships are not counted because they not selective memberships rather they are all paid memberships.

You do not have criteria for judging other's work. This is also a very good point to cover.

i am doing EB1-OR

i dont have any selective memership ... do u suggest mee to get paid memberships? do they worth mentioning?
some form of paid membership is definitely better than no membership.. however it cannot be considered a strong criteria for claiming in your EB1 petition.
some form of paid membership is definitely better than no membership.. however it cannot be considered a strong criteria for claiming in your EB1 petition.

No I have seen RFEs and Rejection for people who claimed paid and open memberships to societies as a criteria
Yes all are right. If you claim paid memberships, then you will get rfe. So don't do that.

In which field you are working? Cancer? AIDS? etc. This is also important. Most of the rfe I have seen in EB1-OR is inability to prove your work is internationally recognized. If you can cover this, you are the winner!!!.
currenty i am working on drug discover for kidney deceases...
previously i worked on some diarea drugs( for which i got patends & $20,000+ for patend use in commercial use.)
everybody i know mentioned memberships in their cover letter... so was confused whether they are necessary or not....
Patents gives lot of weight to your petition. If you are chemist then you can apply for "Fellow of Royal Society of Chemistry (FRSC)" which is a very good award. With your background and accomplishments you will definitely get it. In this case also you have to pay but, the selection is based on your accomplishments. I also did the same thing. But, I need to warn you, to get this you need to wait for 2-3 months ( As it requires recommendation letters from three references). So, with this membership if you claim other memberships-sounds good.
Since you have Patents, you can even try EB1A. You don`t have any problem for EB1A-OR, if you have atleast 3 yrs experience after Ph.D.
I advice don't go for EB1-EA. Your credentials are very good for EB1-OR. Hope you have 3 years of experience. Why I am saying is one of my friend applied for EB1-EA almost equal to your credentials, he got denied. So, don't take risk. Since you are Asst Professor in a reputed university, you have more chances of getting EB1-OR get approved.
SigmaXi does not count anymore. I saw an RFE on this forum someone back on this. Others have also said that USCIS knows that SigmaXi is not really an exclusive membership.

I agree EB1EA has become very hard now. EB1OR is also hard and showing a permanent job offer is important. There have been issues for people on Post Docs and temporary jobs that were renewable every year based on funding. However NIW can be easy and you do not have to worry about satisfying several criteria and showing you are best. If you can show that your work is in National interest, and you don't have lot of publications awards, citations etc it can still work.
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Memberships in such organizations cannot be counted towards the criterion for EB1-EA, but what I did was that I argued that since I was a member, it shows that I'm currently active in the area in which I did research during my PhD.
i have 4 years of exeperience after postdoc .( 2 years as assistant profesor + 2 years as assistant research + 3 years as postdoc .... total 7 years).
& i am chemist.
though my title is assistant profesor, i mostly work in research. my appointment is not based upon fundings, its university academic position.

i will surely apply for "Fellow of Royal Society of Chemistry " .
can u suggest other reputable societies?
EB1-B would be the simplest thing. Make sure the university gives the appointment letter which does not end date. Everyone get it these days.

Apply for AAPS
Apply for AACR

Just google capital letter you will get the information.

I am also chemist, I took all these memberships.

Good luck
i am applying for EB1 with following :

- Postdoc in US
- 15 Journals (10 first author )
- 5 conference papers
- 10 recommendation letters
- currenty Assistant professor at very reputed university
- Got good grants
- 50+ citations

My question is about memberships.... i am curretly member of only one society (American Chemical Society)
how important are mension no.of memberships?
or should i subscibe to 2-3 more before submitting documents?

Hi, you need to qualify on 3 counts out of 10, if you claim memberships as a criteria for qualifications, then you need much more than that for sure... your citations are not enough for EB-1A, though I do not want to be discouraging you. best -Sr