EB1 OR Chances.....need fedback pls


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Hi gurus...
Pls have a look at my credentials
PhD in Pharmacology
Post Doc since sep 2005 (so 2 yrs of post doc experience)
13 publications (good journals)
12 citations
3 conference presentations
Travel award (CSIR, DST) from India
GATE qualified (97.3 percentile)
Reviewed 4 papers (independently) and 2 with my supervisor
Have invitations from journals to submit articles/chapter in book
Got 8 recommendation letters from top people of field.
Job profile falls under Dept of Homeland security's interest

Pls provide me your expert opinion abt my chances...
Thanks in anticipation
Hi gurus...
Pls have a look at my credentials
PhD in Pharmacology
Post Doc since sep 2005 (so 2 yrs of post doc experience)
13 publications (good journals)
12 citations
3 conference presentations
Travel award (CSIR, DST) from India
GATE qualified (97.3 percentile)
Reviewed 4 papers (independently) and 2 with my supervisor
Have invitations from journals to submit articles/chapter in book
Got 8 recommendation letters from top people of field.
Job profile falls under Dept of Homeland security's interest

Pls provide me your expert opinion abt my chances...
Thanks in anticipation

You have more chances for NIW. (if your work satisfies NIW criteria)
The criteria for OR is higher. You also have too few citations. You also need papers to be in top ranked journals to show that you are outstanding.GATE exam has no weight here. All student awards and tests do not count. You need to show that you got awards when you competed against people with Grey hairs.
Thanks pswami for your kind reply. I think its too late now and in any case I wanted to apply for EB1 OR (Current for India). But believe me one of my friend got recently approved (EB1 OR) with fewer papers and citations than me.......
Thanks once again.........
Others pls provide your inputs
I personally think that for OR, it's a matter of showing evidence that you are "internationally recognized" for your work. Traditional academic criteria may not mean as much as they do in EA cases. You need to plan ahead to prepare your file- for example, if you get a request to review a manuscript for a journal (especially if the editor or journal is from outside the US and your home county), ask the editor to write a request letter starting with "Dear Dr. X, because you are an expert in the field of Y, I hope that you will be able to review this manuscript for our journal. As you may know, the journal of Z is the leading journal in the field of Y.... etc. - this helps your case much more than the generic email requests we tend to get.

Search this forum for other posts specific to OR cases- it's not so much the number of pubs and citations, but rather how "international" they are. I've posted a few times on other things I did in the year while I prepared my application, all with a goal of showing international recognition.

Good luck!
Thanks a lot Wary OR!! You are absolutely right here as this in not academics e.g. my work is relatively new and not many worked in this field thats why not many citations are there. But top notches of my field has recently cited my work in their review articles. Also luckliy i got recommendation letter from one of those Professors. Most of my letters talk about uniqueness and international acceptability of my work.
I must tell you a recent EB1 OR case of one of my friend....
That person had only 5 papers and I think only 1-2 citations (yes believe me) and he is doing same kind of work what I'm doing. The only difference is he is more experinced than me (4 yrs). I have more papers and citation than him. He also did not review any paper........so in nutshell it appears that luck also play a big role here......
Pls correct me if I'm wrong......
Thanks a lot Wary OR!! You are absolutely right here as this in not academics e.g. my work is relatively new and not many worked in this field thats why not many citations are there. But top notches of my field has recently cited my work in their review articles. Also luckliy i got recommendation letter from one of those Professors. Most of my letters talk about uniqueness and international acceptability of my work.
I must tell you a recent EB1 OR case of one of my friend....
That person had only 5 papers and I think only 1-2 citations (yes believe me) and he is doing same kind of work what I'm doing. The only difference is he is more experinced than me (4 yrs). I have more papers and citation than him. He also did not review any paper........so in nutshell it appears that luck also play a big role here......
Pls correct me if I'm wrong......
Must have to agree with you. Have seen OR (even EB1-EA) approved with very few papers, very few citations. That is I have suggested previously also in this forum- throw the dice. You may not win- however, for sure, you will not win if you don't throw it.
I absolutely agree with you that's why i worked really hard on my application. ........
BTW thanks for the encouragement..