EB1-EA Need help with assessment


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Hi Guys,

I need help in assessing my credentials for EB1-EA. I can not apply in EB1-OR cause the Institute is not agreeing to give the 'permanent offer' letter...

1. Receipt of a lesser nationally or internationally recognized prize.

- I have a Career Development Award from Indian Research Institute
- I won a Travel Award at a International meeting in Japan

2. Membership in associations in your field that require "outstanding achievement" of their members.

- Member of 2 international (ACS, AAAS) and 2 Indian scientific association.

3. Material published about you in major trade publications or other major media.

- None

4. Serving as a judge of others in your field either individually or on a panel.

- Reviewed papers of a particular international journal several times. Have letter from editor.

5. Original, scientific, scholarly, artistic, athletic, or business-related contributions of major significance in your field.

- 10-12 strong letters from US medical schools and universities, UK, Japan, India of which atleast 7 are independent reviewers.

6. Authorship of scholarly articles in your field. This refers to articles that you
wrote concerning your work rather than material written about you by others, as is the case with standard 3 above.

- Indian Journal First authored: 1 [Invited Article]
International journals: 12 articles PNAS, JBC, Biochemistry, BBRC
First Author on: 9
Corresponding Author on: 3
In Conference proceedings: 8 (International:5 and National: 3)
Invited presentations: 2
NIH grants: 1 XO1

Total citations of research papers : 118 (68 on first author papers)
Some, papers do not have any citations.

7. Display of your work in exhibitions or showcases. The regulations do not mention how prestigious the exhibition must be.

- Can we include scientific conferences?

8. Performing a critical or leading role for organizations that have a distinguished reputation. This could be acting as curator for the Metropolitan Museum of Art or serving as an essential researcher for an important laboratory.

- Will recommendation letters from my current and previous supervisors be good for this criteria? Especially ones, elaborating my important role in NIH grants. I am currently working in Drug Discovery area with a total of 10 years experience including PhD work.

9. Commanding a high salary in your field. The regulation requires that your salary or remuneration be high in relation to others in the field, so a teacher need not make as much as a professional football player.

- Postdoc, making average...

10. Commercial success in the performing arts. This can be demonstrated by box office receipts from your films or plays, sales of your record, or selling your video documentary to a network for a notable sum.

- None

Any help will be greatly appreciated... I am also looking for a good and economical lawyer (hard to find.. LOL).

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Usually the good and economical do not got together and I would not trust someone who sez that....I feel in such an important case the "GOOD" is more important than "ECONOMICAL" since this is what all your "FUTURE" Economy is dependent on...LOL. I would say do thorough research in lawyers and get a GOOD lawyer and pay him whatever as long as he does your work. Unfortunately "EXPENSIVE" and "GOOD" also need not mean the same....so I guess you ahve to ask a million sucessful people who they had and then pray hard and select one. I feel a lawyer is a must and your case look doable. Try and get many reccos from big institutes....also from people who you ahvent worked with directly...that is more important.
Frankly speaking, I think you need to put more work on the 4 th point, which is "serving as a judge of others in your field either individually or on a panel". Based on your publication and citation record, it would be easy for you to convince USCIS that you meet the following two criteria:

5. Original, scientific, scholarly, artistic, athletic, or business-related contributions of major significance in your field.

6. Authorship of scholarly articles in your field.

To get an approval for your EB-1A, you just need one more point. I think you will have better chance to meet the 4th point if you can find another journal and review manuscripts for them. I have an impression that USCIS wants to see someone being a reviewer routinely and for more than one occasion. Also, you don't have to be a reviewer. If you had chance of seating in any kind of science or tech committee, such an experience should also be count as serving as a judge of others.

I would say that you may want to forget about the "national or international awards" and "membership", at least don't put too much energy into them. USCIS has pretty strict rules on these. All above is just my opinion and hope it would be helpful to you. Good luck.
You're right bobdog. I think improving on 4th point is the way to go. Any ideas how one should approach this?? Does writing to editors help?

What about point 7 and 8 from my original post?

7. Display of your work in exhibitions or showcases. The regulations do not mention how prestigious the exhibition must be.

- Can one include scientific conferences??

8. Performing a critical or leading role for organizations that have a distinguished reputation. This could be acting as curator for the Metropolitan Museum of Art or serving as an essential researcher for an important laboratory.

- Will recommendation letters from my current and previous supervisors be good for this criteria? Especially ones, elaborating my important role in NIH grants. I am currently working in Drug Discovery area with a total of 10 years experience including PhD work.

try to get a good attorney. your case is good, only you have to present. i know some good attorney, let me know if you really need.
From your other post I gather it is Ramasamy from hooyoo. If not please PM me the lawyer info.

bobdog said:
Frankly speaking, I think you need to put more work on the 4 th point, which is "serving as a judge of others in your field either individually or on a panel". Based on your publication and citation record, it would be easy for you to convince USCIS that you meet the following two criteria:

5. Original, scientific, scholarly, artistic, athletic, or business-related contributions of major significance in your field.

6. Authorship of scholarly articles in your field.

To get an approval for your EB-1A, you just need one more point. I think you will have better chance to meet the 4th point if you can find another journal and review manuscripts for them. I have an impression that USCIS wants to see someone being a reviewer routinely and for more than one occasion. Also, you don't have to be a reviewer. If you had chance of seating in any kind of science or tech committee, such an experience should also be count as serving as a judge of others.

I would say that you may want to forget about the "national or international awards" and "membership", at least don't put too much energy into them. USCIS has pretty strict rules on these. All above is just my opinion and hope it would be helpful to you. Good luck.

Per bobdog's suggestion, I have been emailing several Journal editors to review papers for them. Quite a few have responded saying they would be happy to add me in their reviewer database. A few have actually worded it as an invitation to review.

A few questions:

- Would just being added to the reviewer database qualify or should I wait?
- Can I use the email as a qualifying evidence or does it need to be on their letterhead?

Has anybody here used transcripts of email with their petition?