EB1-1 Reference Letter!


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Hello everyone,
I am collecting the reference letters from experts. Some sent me the original letters. Some sent them via email. Can I submit the copies of the letters?
Thank you and please answer me as soon as possible!
Hello everyone,
I am collecting the reference letters from experts. Some sent me the original letters. Some sent them via email. Can I submit the copies of the letters?
Thank you and please answer me as soon as possible!

Submit only copies.

If you get them by email ask them to send them in PDF
Actually my attorney insisted on originals: original color letterhead and original signature - presentation counts for a lot in these types of petitions.
Hello everyone,
I am collecting the reference letters from experts. Some sent me the original letters. Some sent them via email. Can I submit the copies of the letters?
Thank you and please answer me as soon as possible!

I submitted original letters. Most of my referees first sent a pdf file of the letter (on the letter head) followed by a hard copy in mail. I submitted the originals that I got in mail. One of my referees couldn't sent out hard copy in time and I printed out his pdf file on a colour printer. It was on his official letter head with University logo as well as signature.....it was as good as original !!!:)
I scanned all the originals (in case if I need them later) and sent only the originals. they are more authentic than e-mail version IMO.