EB Relief about to be removed, Free personal fax on ISNAmerica.org, Last Chance!!!!!!

Sent to all congressmen in NH and MA ... for me and my wife.

We started our applications in NH and then moved to Boston.
The primary owner of my company just sent out letters

to PA senators and congressman of the district.

Good that he is my direct boss. He did not and still does not know much about immigration before I came on board and has been complaining why should the goverment tells him whom to hire for his own business. Anyway, I sent him an email detailing the problems I am facing, brief explanation of S1932 Sec. 8001 and the conference committe and links to S1932 and HR??. I also attached the corporate letter posted here and the power point presentation explaining retrogression. Of course, I also gave him links of the polititians.

If we want corporate help, we need to do all the leg work so it will need minimum effort from the employer.

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Kudos!!! meg_z

meg_z said:
to PA senators and congressman of the district.

Good that he is my direct boss. He did not and still does not know much about immigration before I came on board and has been complaining why should the goverment tells him whom to hire for his own business. Anyway, I sent him an email detailing the problems I am facing, brief explanation of S1932 Sec. 8001 and the conference committe and links to S1932 and HR??. I also attached the corporate letter posted here and the power point presentation explaining retrogression. Of course, I also gave him links of the polititians.

If we want corporate help, we need to do all the leg work so it will need minimum effort from the employer.

here is the link posted by prank

posmd said:
Where are you guys getting all this information about Numbersusa putting a hold to their faxing campaign etc. I just checked their website and there was nothing to that effect.
Sadly those xenophobic inbred southern fundamentalists will not be convinced about the boon of legal immigrants. Their congressmen are likewise ultra conservative. They are all too busy sitting in their trailor parks drawing social security/medicare/medicaid benefits without realising who is paying for that.
I think that the closeness of the budget bill in congress is what is making it difficult for us.
Let us just keep up the strong efforts at contacting our congressment and hope and pray for some relief.
My herty congratulation to all guys doing hard work.

Please focus on the issue. We dont have much time (Only few hours). Contacting conference committee members is crucial at this point. Faxes are OK but calling their office will give us big impact. Briefly explain as per powerpoint presentation prepared by Sunjoshi (wonderful work). While talking request their email and send powerpoint presentation. This PP presentation is enough to convince them and enough to clear misconcept, if any.

Please guys be united, be focused for our common goal. If we could able to talk all conference member, we will be in win win situation.

Please don't wait, pick up the phone and call possible conference members (They will pay more attention, if person is calling from their state). Please don't forget to post your response.

Good luck guys

This is real good job !! Thanks. This kind of effort real help us.
Another request;

Following lawmaker are most likely members of conference committe. I would request, if you and your employer, could call them, will have greaaat impact (Specially with phone call of your employer.

Senator Arnel Specter (R-PA) phone 202 224 4254 Fax 1 202 228 1219
Representative Allyson Y. Schwartz (PA) 202 225 6111 fax 1 202 226 0611

Senator Arnel is very much positive on our issue


meg_z said:
to PA senators and congressman of the district.

Good that he is my direct boss. He did not and still does not know much about immigration before I came on board and has been complaining why should the goverment tells him whom to hire for his own business. Anyway, I sent him an email detailing the problems I am facing, brief explanation of S1932 Sec. 8001 and the conference committe and links to S1932 and HR??. I also attached the corporate letter posted here and the power point presentation explaining retrogression. Of course, I also gave him links of the polititians.
meg_z said:
If we want corporate help, we need to do all the leg work so it will need minimum effort from the employer.

Please fax (Urgent): Senators/congressmen working over the weekend

Congressmen/senators working over the weekend



Let us not relax this weekend. Please send as many faxes as possible to all the senators/congressmen through isnamerica.org webfax option.

These last few days are critical. Please urge your friends & relatives. If they authorize you, you can send the faxes on their behalf with their details.

Lets put all our efforts, these final days.

Thats a greate effort, meg_z

We need more people to urge their corporation HR to send letters to senators/congressmen. Your corporation fax effort is worth 100 individual faxes.

Thanks from the community!!!

meg_z said:
to PA senators and congressman of the district.

Good that he is my direct boss. He did not and still does not know much about immigration before I came on board and has been complaining why should the goverment tells him whom to hire for his own business. Anyway, I sent him an email detailing the problems I am facing, brief explanation of S1932 Sec. 8001 and the conference committe and links to S1932 and HR??. I also attached the corporate letter posted here and the power point presentation explaining retrogression. Of course, I also gave him links of the polititians.

If we want corporate help, we need to do all the leg work so it will need minimum effort from the employer.

Another thing we need to take care of is that all the states are covered to at least

for once
WellWisher007 said:
Congressmen/senators working over the weekend



Let us not relax this weekend. Please send as many faxes as possible to all the senators/congressmen through isnamerica.org webfax option.

These last few days are critical. Please urge your friends & relatives. If they authorize you, you can send the faxes on their behalf with their details.

Lets put all our efforts, these final days.

Here is the list of states which was covered in a previous campaign

but it had a common fax from all of us, now it can be personalized

Other additional states from this thread where the faxes have been sent

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Please contact congressmen/senators directly or/and thru corporations/churchleaders

The story in washington post tells us that there are other important issues, other than immigration that are being discussed at the congress currently. The issue of immigration will be debated as a very brief 'yes' or 'no' affair. I do not think the conference committee members will have a lot of time at their disposal to debate in detail over the immigration provisions.

So, it becomes all the more important for us to contact congressmen/senators directly and/or through corporations/church-leaders

Please fax, call over the weekend.. Meet churchleaders.. Urge your respective corporation on Monday to contact the congressmen/senators. The contact phone/fax #s is available in the files section of the 'techworkers1' yahoogroups.

pdakwala said:
There are several sources. Few things I have heard on the cspan and few things I found it on the Internet. I have some recording and would like to post here but this web site does not allow .wav file. So check following link.

http://f3.grp.yahoofs.com/v1/AIuaQ0...zEOYE/Roy Blunt on Deficit Reduction Bill.wav

From now on I will post the link on this web site also. Things that I have heard on the cspan won't be available in full though .

Also check this site for latest news. http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dy...5/12/09/AR2005120901787.html?nav=rss_politics
You will have to read between the lines by the way. Also if you call your Senator's office or House of Representatives office they some times will be able to give you some good information.