Eb-1b Rfe


Did you submit the offer letter to USCIS when you submitted the application and did it say Post Doc Research Associate then? Are they giving you an updated job offer letter?

My understanding is that USCIS needs a letter from the univ that is addressed to the beneficiary (not USCIS) and the letter should pre-date the submission date of your petition. Others can correct me if I am wrong. It would be useful to see the content of the letter to make any judgement as to its usefulness towards addressing USCIS concerns.

Good Luck.
Thanks gc app07...
I think you raised a valid point here that it should pre-date the submission date of my petition. I think she is going to have a letter from the Dept issued to me which will say Res Associate....
I'll figure out very soon..

I agree with gc_app07.......USCIS is looking for the original offer letter that was issued to you at the time of hiring.

I wonder if your HR/Department would agree to furnish you with a backdated letter with the contents that you desire. If yes, you sure are lucky.

Also, in my opinion, if the job title that you filled in I-140 is different.... than there can be a problem. I mean to say that if at the time of filing I-140, in your job title, in Part 6, you mentioned 'Post Doc Research Associate ' and now you mention that your job title is Research Associate ' then this will surely land you in trouble.

You might argue that your job title has changed since your filing, but USCIS is interested in your status only at the time of filing. In some scenarios, if I remember correctly, USCIS has even rejected some cases on this ground and has adviced applicants to apply afresh in view of their changed title/job.

In any case please do provide with a template of the letter that your Administrative Office has drafted. I am sure it will be a big help to me.

I'll try to get hold of that letter and post it soon..There seems to be so many issues....I had to work really hard to get all those letters.....now this permanent position issue???I don't know what's going to happen?
Good luck

I am not trying to scare you..but its good to take care of all things. I am in the same boat and equally, if not more, nervous and anxious.

Looks like we are learning everyday from the experience(s) of others !!!!
I know you didn't try to scare me. Anyways I was just looking at some of my old stuff and found the letter I was given at the time of initial appointment. I am glad the letter mentioned the position as Research Associate......not Post Doc Res Associate
Apart from that, my attorney is still working on another letter. Yes my Dept is very helpful and is willing to provide whatever is required to support my petition.
Yes this forum is amazing and the support other members offer is awesome..
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Dear Friends,

My I-140 petition has been approved just now.

Thanks to all who guided me and posted their invaluable suggestions.

How can i connect to an representative.

The number 1-800-375-5283 has only the recorded voice.

Can you please specify your choice. I like to request for the interlinking of the pending I-485 to the approved EB1 I-140.
How can i connect to an representative.

The number 1-800-375-5283 has only the recorded voice.

Can you please specify your choice. I like to request for the interlinking of the pending I-485 to the approved EB1 I-140.

sorry...but I don't see a point in posting this here.

I don't have a clue to this...but if you open a discussion yourself on this topic - someone might help you out.

All the best.

Congrats akmm! I am surprised about the quick turnaround on the RFE review. But all is well that ends well :)

Hope your 485 goes through soon!