EB-1A Approved; Got through the Consular; Waiting for my GC in Mail!


New Member
It's all said in the subject. However, I also want to thank this wonderful portal for many answers I found inside the forums discussions! THANK YOU!

If I can be any helpful, please ask your questions, I'll do my best despite of being busy with looking for a job in my field now (films). Good luck to each of you!

The whole thing took me exactly 1 year (-3 days.) Guess not that long. I applied as extraordinary artist without any help from lawyers. Sorry, I don't use the accepted terminology here (abbreviations) but I hope I'll understand your questions if any without problems.

Best regards,

I'm in a similar boat - applying as an "alien of extraordinary ability", only in the musical field.

Did you file your 1-140 and I-485 concurrently or separately? Which Service Center? How long did it take for your I-140 to get approved? Did you have any Requests For Evidence? What kind of proof of income was required of you, or did you have a Sponsor execute an Affidavit of Support? Did your have to renew your Nonimmigrant status while your Adjustment of Status was pending?

Thanks for your help!!!

I have similar questions as civ2ru concerning proof of income and affidavit of support.
You said you have to look for jobs in your field now. So did not you show the job offer at consular processing?
Hi guys!


Answering questions:

RD/ND - don't have them as I didn't file the I-485...
if u ask my I-140 RD:
Date the application is sent: March 31, 2005
RD: I-140 Receipt Date: don't really remember but about 1-2 weeks later
RFE: Date Request for Evidence issued: about 3 months later (June 2005)
RFE RD: Date RFE Response received: 1,5 months after RFE (mid-July 2005)
then the approval came: in the end of November (4 months later)
the entire processing after that (with National Visa Center and the US Consular) took 4 more months - on March 28th I had the interview and the immigration visa stamp in my passport.

1-140 and I-485 concurrently or separately? I filed I-140 only as I were outside USA and takes usually much faster to go through the Consular office.

It took totally 1 year - just approval: 8 months.

Did you have any Requests For Evidence? YES - ("Please provide additional evidences... and several questions...")

proof of income was required of you, or did you have a Sponsor execute an Affidavit of Support? - they didn't require any proof of income though said that it wasn't exceptional (I wasn't even pretending it was :)) I had 5 other items applied out of 10 - as you know - 3 is enough to be qualified) I didn't have any Sponsors or an Affidavit of Support - it is not required by the EB-1A category. Though /i have also provided a good list of recommendation letters.

Did your have to renew your Nonimmigrant status while your Adjustment of Status was pending? - I didn't have any Adjustment of Status - as was outside USA - which I suggest others to do - it's faster to the best of my knowledge.

did not you show the job offer at consular processing? - I had a job offer from my partner just in case, but it's not required. And I didn't have any questions regarding it - all they need to be sure about - is that u r indeed someone exceptional... just try to concentrate on proving this to them.

Most of the questions may be found on these forums. I also bought a self-submission package from one company that helped a little too.

Good luck!
which DIY kit

Congratulations! Its heartening to see someone getting approved anytime.
One question I have. Which DIY kit did you use? You may send me a private message if you think we should not be discussing these things here.

I bought a cheapest package from here: usaia.org/ea.htm - it was somewhat useful but not smth that could guarantee the success though.
I think I want to add that it's not an ad for those guys, and it really didn't play the significant role in my application, it just helped in some way. there is also plenty information available free on the web that I used.
