EB-1 OR; Proof of international recognition

Thanks guys for providing lot of information. Regarding lawyers Vs do it your self, I think its a matter of personnel opinion and experience. We should leave that debate out. I think its a good idea to get those kits before going to lawyers, and of course read some of AAO's decisions. Ultimately what matters is what the guy at USCIS thinks.

Thanks again guys.
I-140; OR Approved


My I-140 was approved. I finally got the approval letter dated Nov. 09, stating that my I-140 has been approved after we submitted RFE's. Now I will file for my I-485.

Thanks to all of you.

alex2 said:
Yes, it will definitely be useful. But keep in consideration that USCIS has asked you for evidence of international recognition. They have not raised any objection about your exceptional/outstanding abilities. So keep focussed. Each and every document you submit with your response should point towards this aspect. Just by proving that the journals in which articles are published are high ranked, it can not be eastablished that person has international recognition. I know a case in which USCIS rejected a case saying that "...the definition of Impact Factor is not well defined in law. We have seen cases where journals carry impact factors as high as 50, so an impact factor of 5.6 can not be considered high..."

You should remember that USCIS adjudicators are not scientists like us, they have very little understanding about these things. So prepare your response in a way that even a layman can appreciate that.
Sandy2000 said:

My I-140 was approved. I finally got the approval letter dated Nov. 09, stating that my I-140 has been approved after we submitted RFE's. Now I will file for my I-485.

Thanks to all of you.
PhD (India)
Area of OR: Nanotechnology
16 publications at the time of submission and 26 at the time of RFE (peer reviewed journals)
Citations (excluding self)
Chaired a session in an international conference on nanotech
Reviewer for journals and defense project (semi-govt establishment)
Letter from defense lab saying they are interested in my work
email from people from top university seeking my opinion on research work
Fellowships from prestigiuos institutes in world including UN organization (more like post-doc fellowships or for young scientists; CIS did not give much weightage to those, but did not hurt to include them)

Letters from five persons across different continents (Thanks to your tip Alex) who had never worked with me or collaborated plus letters from my collaborators in industry and my mentors. All the support authors were leaders in their field with numerous awards and over 200 pubs (I believe this also matters). One of the author was fellow of >30 institutes.

More over I think my attorney did a great job in drafting the letters and RFE response
How to get recommend letters from experts that you don't know?

A lot of you seem already have such experience. could you please share it with me?

Many thanks in advance!
taishan said:
A lot of you seem already have such experience. could you please share it with me?

Many thanks in advance!

My Ph.D. advisor is a very well known guy. He has grad students and post-docs who have gone on and become extremely well established, so I picked a few who had been in his group about 10-15 years ago, and were now chairs in departments or something like that, and called/e-mailed explaining my situation. EVERYONE was very sympathetic, and wrote me the necessary letters.
You can do something like this, or find people who have cited your papers in a meaningful manner, meet people at conferences, ask your colleagues' former advisors who you have NOT worked with etc. Make sure that there is a certain degree of separation from you.