EB-1 EA Approved on Oct 5


Registered Users (C)
EB1 EA approved on Oct 5
RD June 21
ND July 31
AD Oct 5

My case was
PhD in EE from outside US
10+ journal papers, 40 Conference papers
No major Awards
1 patent, 2 patents pending
9 Reference letters - 4 US, 5 from 3 countries outside US
Reiewers of several journal and conferences

Can you tell us which center it was and the number of years of experience since your PhD?
Did you Self Petition?


Did you Self Peition or use a lawyer?
Can you please share what were in the reference letters?
What aspects did you ask the referees to emphasize?
Did you get the letters from people that you knew or from "unbiased" experts?

Used lawyer -- and other details

I used a lawyer. The reference letters follow the lawyer\'s template,
at each paragraph emphasizing:
  .. is widely recognized throught the US and other countries...
  .. is widely recognized for the outstanding quality of his scholary acitivies...
  .. is recognized in our field for his prolific scholarly writings...
  .. has held distinguished positions in important research projects...

The magic word is "It is my professional opinion that xxx is cleary an outstanding ..., among the top few percent of scientists in his specilization in the world."

I didn\'t know the concept of \'unbiased\' until very recently. However, half of my supporting letters come from persons who know me through academic conference and/or the paper reviewing process.

Good luck!
congratulations, my qualifications?

Congratulations! Filterbank. I want to try self EB1-EA petition in TSC. Please evaluate my qualification and any suggestions would be appreciated:

Ph.D, 2001, Horticulture, from US. currently a postdoc.
1 paper award from one US society, 1 outside US (research).
No patent
16 Journal papers, 7 conference abstracts.
Reviewer for one Journal in US
2 memberships in US
Now collecting reference letters (at least 3-4 US, 2-3 other countries)

Thanks, JYW
To JYW - You\'re well qualified

I think you\'re well qualified. When you prepare the reference letters, keep in mind the \'unbiased\' issue. Good Luck!