Early FP in OK


Registered Users (C)
After a very long journey we have received our 1st FP notices today. The appointment is for 03/08/05 in Oklahoma City. Has anyone tried early FP in the OKC AOS? Thanks for sharing your experiences.
In the same situation

Me and my spouse also got our FP notcie today. It is scheduled for 3/8/2005 as well in OKC and wanted to find out if early FP is possible in OKC ? If it is what day of the week is the best. Let us know.

Thank you
Same here.

We received our FP's yesterday. It is scheduled for 03/09/2005. I would like to go early.
I think they will let you do it. I will drive from Tulsa on Tuesday and see if they will let us do it.
:) :D
any update


Any update. Were you able to do the early FP today at OKC?

Let us know. Eagerly waiting..... to know how it went.

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We went today for early FP in OKC and the people there were not very happy to see us. They did it anyway, but it seems that many people went early and they're getting tired of it. So... I guess you should try your luck and see what happens. Try to go late in the afternoon. We went at 3 pm and there was no one waiting and we were out in less than 20 min. (so I don't know why they complained so much!) Good luck!
We went to OKC this morning and arrived at 10:15 am. When I told them that our FP is scheduled on 03/09/2005 but we came here from Tulsa they were not happy and told us to wait and our turn may not come until 2 pm.

We decided to wait and at around 11:37 no one was left and they did our FP. We were out by 12:00.

You can try your lock.I think later in the day (2:30,3:00) is better.

To enter the building make an Info Pass Appointment, but you don;t have to use it for FP.

One step closer...

:D :D :D :D :D
do we need to make an infopass appointment

Do we have to make an infopass appointment. Without that will they allow us in if we just show the FP notice. Please let me know.

Hi pardeshi1,

When you made your infopass appoinment, which type of appointment you selected? "You have a question about your case." ? or others? And do you have to make seperate appointment for each family member? Thanks
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You don't need an infopass appointment to get into the building. Your FP notice is enough. The officers at the main door don't check dates. If no one is waiting for FPs you should be in and out in less than 20 min. Good luck!