Early FP at Oakland


Registered Users (C)
Does anyone have experience of doing an early FP at Oakland ? I am planning
to go for an early FP there this week (3 weeks earlier).
I am also thinking to go this weekend

I am also thinking to go this weekend. Please post your experience.

vra235 said:
I am also thinking to go this weekend. Please post your experience.

I tried last Monday. Was denied. They are not doing early FPs anymore , was the front desk clerks claim.

CoolRaj_03 said:
I tried last Monday. Was denied. They are not doing early FPs anymore , was the front desk clerks claim.


Hi CoolRaj,

How many days early you went for FP. It is sad to know they did not allow to do early FP. Do you think they will allow 3 days early in ASC, OAKLAND. Me and my spouse got FP schedules with 3 days gap. The First FP was same date AND time for both of us. Second FP date and time different. Should I carry copies of 1stFP notices to convince them, we did FP same time last time. Any suggestion is helpful.
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I was early by a month. but that's another story why I had to be there. [This was my third FP and second consecutive in 3 months !] The damn clerk although accepted that I had received the third FP notice because of their fault, was reluctant to allow me early. [For more details look at this thread posted by me:http://www.immigrationportal.com/showthread.php?t=127409 ]

Now, there is not hard and fast rule about early FP and they all work on the whims and fancies of the clerks at the center. If there is a day, with less of traffic, I think they would accept you.
Try a Friday -- I just have a feeling, there is lower traffic on that day.

Good luck and post your results !!!, may be I will attempt another try :)

vra235 said:
I am also thinking to go this weekend. Please post your experience.

I think the office is closed on Satudays. I saw a notice to that effect, and I think it is there for some time.

CoolRaj_03 said:
I think the office is closed on Satudays. I saw a notice to that effect, and I think it is there for some time.


Thanks CooRaj,

Are you sure, it is closed on saturday. My spouse got FP schedule on 26th June, saturday, 10 am. Do you think it is incorrect.
ASC Oakland

Oakland ASC is OPEN on Saturdays... closed on Sunday and Monday.

My FP is scheduled 06/26 (Saturday), but I went on May 24 at about 3:15pm (they close at 4:00pm). I was denied early FP because it was "too early". I asked whether I could come inthe first week of June, and the security guy called up his Supervisor and said I could come on Jun 6 after 12 noon. He wrote it down on the original notice as well. So, now I'm going early, but not so early.

Trick.... just be nice to the security guy at ASC Oakland. He will consider early FP if you have a reason.. (going on a business trip, expecting baby, etc..). Two - three weeks early Fp is not a problem at Oakland.... however, try NOT to land there in the morning. Late afternoon (about 3pm - 3:30pm) is the best time.

Did you say June 6th ?, That is a Sunday ...

As far as the closing date is concerned, I still think satudays is closed ...., since I had a first hand experience. But again that might be a temporary thing

tried to do my fp in oakland 2 weeks early. was denied.

tried to say i would be away from the area around the appointment time and they said i would need to produce a 'plane ticket' as evidence.
BTW, i heard in some other threads that some people with appointments in oakland just went to SJ instead. They are much more flexible with early FP in SJ. Check the archives for threads like this around Jan 04 timeframe when there was lots of talk regarding this matter.