Early Dec RD;FP Expired; Case Not Yet Assigned


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My RD is Dec 6th 2001. FP was completed on Feb 20, 2002.
Last Thursday, I spoke to IIO(Vermont Center). She said, "Your
case is still pending, and not yet assinged". Is these any one
else in same situation with me ?

Yes - there are a lot of people in your situation. Since your case has not yet been assigned, and your FP expired May 20 (15 months), you should expect to get a notice for re-fingerprinting soon.

If you have changed addresses, call up INS and amke sure they have your current address on file.
Thanks Samjoy. Last year I updated my address, when i moved from IL to NY. I received my EAD renewal at new address.
the approvals we have seen for Dec is actually a very small fraction of the total applicants. So, hang on for the loooong ride. Knowing BCIS's track record, I have braced myself for the long haul.
I have also read on this site (so my info is second hand) of a person who got the ead card at their new address, but when the rfe was sent, it went to the old address!

If I were you, I would just call up and confirm the address anyways - if you don't get the fp notice in a couple of weeks!

Hope that helps!
Friends, Keep patient

I know how difficult it is. I wish and pray for you all. I think Dec would finish by 1st week of July.
Same RD

My RD is also on 6th Dec.
I spoke to IIO last friday (on 1-800#) and they said, your case has crossed 18 months so we cannot give more info, We'll send your info to your BCIS office and in next 3-4 weeks you'll receive status by email.

No change of Address, but changed couple of Companies(after 8 months) on EAD.

2 weeks back when my lawyer spoke to them they said, my FP has expired and once the case will assign to officer I'll receive re-FP notice.

2ndFP : ????
How is reason for some of the cases not getting assigned although FP expired ?

I am working with the same company for last 6 years.
You are right samjoy

Though I have received my renewed EAD at my new address in MI, changed on June, 2002 But BCIS sent my 2nd fingerprint notice to my Old address at MA on April 2003. How does BCIS work, nobody knows properly.
Question to GCfantasy

Did you see from the online status that your re-fingerprint notice was sent out? How did you find out that INS really sent out the notice to you? Why not sent to your lawyer's address?

EAD and AP is different business than I-485 application. (They are of course related.) BCIS will send EAD (or AP) to the address on EAD (or AP) forms.

FP/RFE/Approval notices will go to address on I-485 application. Filing for EAD or AP with your new address does not mean BCIS will update your I-485 address. You will likely have to file AR-11 and also call them to follow up on any address changes.
Hope this helps.
