EAD Tracker 2006

makku2003 said:

Any update on your case........


We had been to Local INS (Hartford) on 04/06/2006. INS Representative verified our EAD Receipts and then asked us to fill-up EAD Application again.

Then she asked us to come back again on 04/19/2006, the day after our EAD expires.

Hope this helps.
I went to the INS office, with employer letter. First the lady said i need to come after 90 days, but after showing employer letter and pleading, she asked us to wait for over an hour. When she called backshe said they had called INS and even though there is push from employer it should be atleast 60 days. If INS doesnt approve by then, they asked us to come back again to apply there.
does this mean that we absolutely have to wait for the 90 days to go by ??

My RD for my EAD (3rd EAD) is 3/9/2006
90 days since that = 6/7/2006 (which is a wed)
My EAD expires that day.
So I guess I have to wait till june 7th or June 8th to go to the USCIS for temporary EAD ??
applying for 3rd EAD/AP renewal

I'll be applying for the renewals today.

While verifying the docs, i went thru the filing instructions for photo in form 131 and 765.

In 765 it says full frontal photos.

In 131 it says three quarter frontal view with the right side of your face (PAGE 4 of the instructions sheet).

Last yr (may 2005) when i applied it was frontal view for both docs.

Did they recently change the photo specs for 131?

ha_hk said:
I'll be applying for the renewals today.

While verifying the docs, i went thru the filing instructions for photo in form 131 and 765.

In 765 it says full frontal photos.

In 131 it says three quarter frontal view with the right side of your face (PAGE 4 of the instructions sheet).

Last yr (may 2005) when i applied it was frontal view for both docs.

Did they recently change the photo specs for 131?


Do we have to consider RECEIVED DATE(RD) or Notice date(ND) to qualify for 90 days period?
EAD Approval mail

I got the 2nd EAD approval mails on 5/19, yet to receive the physical cards. Recd date was 3/2/2006.
njlabor_may02 said:
My EAD expires end of July. If renewal does not come, can I still work? - Technically you cannot work.

Also what is this 90-day period? - in case your EAD is not approved within 90 days in that case you can go to the local office and get an interim approval on the 91st day. I have read in this forum that many folks have tried getting it after 60 days... but am not sure about that.
EAD Approved

USCIS received EAD application on June 13 and got approval emails on June 22. That was pretty fast!

Wish they use the same speed in clearing 485!!
njlabor_may02 said:
USCIS received EAD application on June 13 and got approval emails on June 22. That was pretty fast!

Wish they use the same speed in clearing 485!!

Have you attached the top portion of the previous approval slip? May be this speeds up the process

Folks who has to wait for 2-3 months, have you sent in the top portion of the approval letter that comes with the card?