EAD Renewals in Boston INS office


Registered Users (C)
does anybody know if we can go to INS Boston office and get EAD renewal done. This used to happen earlier, not sure if it is still done.

Thx for the help
I feel Boston office does not issue/renew EAD anymore.
You call them or go their website to varify and let us know.
I think that Boston office will issue interim EAD 91 days after EAD has been pending at Vermont Service Center.
I wanted to check out Boston office this morning but I believe they are closed 3rd Fri of every month. Anyways, question for gc=patience. Did us husband go to Boston office to get an (EAD or renewal) or was he there for the interim EAD ?

Pl let me know.

He went to see if he could get the interim card. He had filed in VSC with RD April 25, 2003. He went to see if they would give him an interim card, they said NO because you have to wait for 90 days. He did meet people there that went for renewals and new EADs.

Ironically and gratefully he got his EAD renewal approved the next day; AD = June 18, 2003.

you cannot renew EAD at Boston

I tried to renew EAD for me and wife at Boston - they asked us to mail it to VSC.. it was originally issued at Boston..

there is not getting around it that is the rule..

only if 90 days have passed then perhaps you can get it renewed