EAD renewal


Registered Users (C)
Hi bmt74

Did you get your EAD card renewal. I am still stuck with it. I know you are in the same boat as me. What happened to ur EAD renewal

EAD applied 7 months ago
nope :(

Hi diwu,

Unfortunately no. It is still pending. I approached the congressman first, I didn't receive much help from their office. Then I contacted the senator, nothing fruitful so far, but atleast they provided some valid reason. They mentioned that my I-140 and EAD applications are still in security clearance stage. They don't know how long it's going to take to clear. They asked me to wait until the end of this month and if I don't hear anything from them, I need to call them(the senator office) back. So I am just keeping my fingers crossed.
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Thanks for the reply. Could you tell me how to contact senator/congressman office. Even I am thinking to do the same. April starting I got my 2nd interim EAD. Seriously thinking of changing job also. Do you think there will be any problem.
