EAD Renewal Question


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My 2nd EAD Expires in the first week of March, 2003. I applied for 3rd EAD renewal a bit late in late Nov (about 60 days prior to current EAD expiration date).
I have received the receipt and notice date for the EAD from INS. I moved after I received my received the receipt and notice date for the EAD. I have mailed my address change form AR-11. I called my lawyer before I moved about how to inform INS Nebraska about the change of address. He told me to call IIO and talk to them personally and have them update the address manually. Before, calling them mail them a letter with a request to have them change them my address with copy of my EAD Receipt Notice.

Since I have mailed the AR-11, is it good enough for INS or should I have to called Nebraska to check with them so that they update my address.

I know it is hard to get hold of IIO over the phone, But I have to do it. In case If I failed to get the address updated before my EAD get approved and mailed out to my old address, will it be forwarded by the Post Office? All INS letteres have a red stamp of "Return Service Requested" does that mean PO don't have to forward to new address and send them back to INS? I have already informed the Post Office about the forwarding.

If I don't get the renewed EAD by Feb 2003, can I still work since I have the notice of action for EAD Renewal. I can work with my employer and can still work and don't take a pay check for those days and get salary adjusted once I have my EAD card in hand. Or Just keep keep working without paying any attention to my EAD since I have already applied for EAD. I have seen a lot of posting on this forum that it is OK to work since I have the EAD Receipt Notice in hand.

I know I get a temp EAD from local office only past 90 days of ND/RD of my EAD Receipt Notice. Well, I am not sure how 90 days is calculated from the RD or ND of the EAD Receipt Notice.

Has any one got interiem EAD from the local office who have ND/RD 90 days prior to EAD exipiration date.

Can someone post some advice on these.
Get iEAD

a few days before the current EAD expires if the third EAD doesnt arrive by then.

BTW whats your ND, RD for I-485 ? I was upset when I read your post saying your 2nd EAD is about to expire...
CAll IIO at once to update your address, then mail out the address; then call again to confirm.

Seems post office doesn't forward INS letter to new address.

My wife applied 2nd EAD before it expired one month and waited at home for 2 months until got interim EAD. IIO said she could continue work but company said no valid employment evidence, no work. 6 months later she got the formal EAD which covered the time from applying date.
Inconsitent INS

Is your case in CSC? I recently got my 2nd EAD with dates of validity from 12/02 to 12/03. My 1st EAD expired in Oct 02 and I had applied for the renewal in July 02. I also got my iEAD a few days before 1st EAD expired in Oct. 02.

The inconsistency is, in my case the EAD was approved with effective date same as the approval date. In your wife's case they had back dated it. I wonder how the INS makes the distinction.