EAD Renewal Faq.


1) Not to sure, but I guess you can do that. Make sure you have a letter explaining the contents of the package. Never know with INS.

2) I am derivative applicant myself, I did not include my wife's 485 reciept notice. I included only my 485 reciept notice.

3) I did include I 140 approval notice. My lawyer told me that I will need to.

Hope this helps.
Thanks for mhj & Silly Man.

Thanks Mhj for you reply, and Silly Man for maintaining EAD FAQ.

Is there any light at the end of tunnel and CSC ???

I am out of town till wednesday, will come back and defi update the FAQ. Thanks for putting it up. I guess now it is quite "complete"

Updated FAQ

Here is it folks. I have update the FAQ with some more questions and also added the cover letter sample to the zipp file.

Also as an FYI, I mailed my EAD renewal application on Jan 27 (certified, return receipt). It got to Laguna Niguel on Feb 6 (woa, wonder why it took soooooooooo long for a letter to travel from North CA to South CA????) And the check for $120 has been cashed already. (Boy they are eager to cash checks only, what about the approvals???)

Anyways, World cup starts soon, I sure hope India kicks some...a**

I lost my wallet & my EAD card . Any one has any idea what is the procedure to be followed like informing INS... applying agian etc..
iEAD without Receipt notice ??

Hi Guys,
I have applied for EAD renewal in Dec. I did not receive my receipt notice. When I called IIO yesterday, I got a strange answer that my address was changed to something unknown to me on 23rd Jan and the Receipt was sent there. I never changed address and I was actually out of country last month. This is how CSC is operating now a days.

Anyway, my question is if I don't get my EAD in next three months, can I get iEAD without showing the receipt notice? May be by showing previous EAD and receipt number from the check?


Great posts.... By the way got a question. Please clarify.

You have mentioned "Original Form I-797 D (from last EAD) " as one of the document for EAD renewal.
a. What is this I-797D? Is this the H1B approval form?
b. Why 'original' in this case whereas other docs need only

Cheers, :)

This is the piece of paper you get along with your EAD card when it's approved. On this document itself, it says you need to send that for EAD renewal.
Silly Man, MHJ

Thanks for the FAQ. Saves a bundle on lawyer fees :D
Unfortunately looks like I will use it a couple of more times before the light at the end of the tunnel, judging by current snail pace of BCIS :(