EAD Renewal @ BCIS Newark Office - My experience


Registered Users (C)
Yesterday i have got my EAD renewed from INS Newark.
My Service center is CSC and am on a project @ Edison.
Here is what happened yesterday August 14th.
I went @ 5.30 AM and already there were 50 people ahead of me.
Around 7.30 AM ,they opened the front gate and INS officials have started separating the people into three groups
1.Advance Parole.
3.General queries

One official asked me why am here? I told her that for EAD extension.She said "Can be done only thro Mail".I told her "I did and it is 90 days past".She said ok and let me go.
I went into the second floor and Room # 200.
Again there was big crowd ahead of me.
I waited close to an hour before my turn came.The officer @ counter saw my receipt(May 13th) and she said it was not evnen 90 days and I told her that August 14th is the 91st day and she literally calculated it.Then she asked for 485 Copy and i produced it.Then she went to bring a fresh new EAD form and i told her that i have already filled in and she got pissed off and said "You should have told this before i went to pick it up".I said "sorry Ma'am".She let me wait for a min for NO REASON and the asked to me wait till some one call me.
I waited for 2 hrs and then one lady came and asked me to go 13th floor and Room# 1300 and gave me some papers with a token# E512.
I went there and one lady collected the papers and asked me to wait again.After waiting for 2 hrs i was called by an old lady and she asekd why was my I485 Filed in CA and why am in INS Newark.I told her that am a consultant and my company is basically a consulting company.She asked whether i still stay with my employer i said yes and she asked for some proof.I showed a letter from my employer and last three months pay stub.She asked my passport and compared my face with my visa photo.Checked my names again and again and at lasted written "Approved" in one of the form she carried with her.
I was asked to go another room. Room #1304 .It was just 5 mins wait and one guy called took my pic and a finger printing and gave me the card.It is valid upto Aug 14th 2003.

Here are some points i have observed at INS Newark.
1.They will let u enter into the building only if the receipt date is 90 days past.
2.Take all sorts of proof with you since they ask many proofs to check your identity.
3.Take a letter from Employer as they asked it in my case.
4.Use words like "Yes Ma'am.Thank you Ma'am".They seem to be expecting it.
I hope this helps you.