EAD question, please help!


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My husband and I are both hold H1B and we are waiting for I485 (1-140 approval led), he's primary applicant.

My H1B expire in 12/2006, I want to find another job, instead go through transferring H1B, I decided to apply for EAD, so I filled application last Sep and got a receipt. Then after 3 month, I checked online status, it says “this case has been approval led on 11/2005, the notice has been mailed…”, but until now, I NEVER received any notice or card from them, we didn’t move either. So I called them 1 month ago, a lady who answered me said they will check on this and mail me a new one, but almost 1 month passed , I still didn’t get ANYTHING, my husband called again, and they said this has been reported, call back in Feb…what’s wrong and what should I do????!!!!

Thank you! Does anybody have same problem??
Hi there - My husband and I had a somewhat similar problem a little over a year ago. We applied for AP, and although the online message said, "Your application for AP has been approved and was mailed..." - we never received it.

About a month and a half after the online message stated the AP had been approved - a new online message popped up that said, "Your AP was returned to us by the postal service."

Basically, our mail carrier had screwed up and returned the letter to USCIS because he didn't notice my husband's name on our mailbox.

When this happens, USCIS seems to put the document into a pile of other things that have been returned by the postal service for review. They look at the application again to see why it was returned. For example - was it returned because the person doesn't live at the address they claim to??

Unfortunately - your only hope if this is what has happened to your EAD is to contact your congressmen and get them to help you make inquiries with USCIS. This is what we did - and it really helped. We waited for 3 months before finally contacting our congressman - and after they got involved, the whole affair was cleared up in about 2 weeks.

We've of course now marked my husband's name on our mailbox in BIG BOLD LETTERS for the future.

Of course, this might not be what happened to your EAD - but it's just a guess. Hope this helps, and good luck.

Thank you!

Nora, thank you very much for sharing the experience, we’ll wait for another week or month, if still no luck, we’ll try to contact congressmen. :(