EAD Message????


Registered Users (C)
Can anyone pls tell me what message does one hear on AVM when ones EAD gets approved?????
When i put my EAC number on AVM, it says 'on july 12 2002, after approving your application we ordered you a new card. Processing normally takes between 60 and 90 days ......'
I am not able to understand if this means approval since the message says 'we ordered a new card' where as I am applying for EAD for the first time.
One more message after this...

This means that the case has been reviewed and everything is ok for your EAD. It's almost approved - but they'll play the message "This case has been approved" only after they mail the EAD card.

For me, the message changed to 'This case has been approved' within 2 days after your mesage and then I rcvd the card in ta week. But for my husband, it took more than a month to order cards.