EAD mailed to wrong address

Corsair chap

Registered Users (C)

My EAD was posted to a different city. Came to know this from CSC customer service.
Talked to post office of the city where it was posted to. They said if they receive mail with
invalid address they would return it.

Can some one please tell me what should be done now. Person at CSC whom I talked
to has updated my address and says that I have to refile. Is that so ????
What will CSC do to the mails that return.

Appreciate your inputs.
No Title

No, Its not the address that I was staying before. My address has never changed.
They got the zip code and city name wrong in my address.
No Title

I just listened to AVM. It says my card was returned back to CSC. Message is
suggesting to call cutomer service to update the address. I have already done
that even before the mail returned back to them. Will they notice that and send
me back the card again automatcally????
