EAD LATE! (I can't find the answer in this forum so here's my thread.)


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What the INFOPASS agent said about EAD+H1B+AP together

Hello I am under adjustment of status processing for a year now. I was under H1B, got married. Already passed and succeeded the interview but according to the agent "h1b" cases are longer and I haven't got any "welcome note" yet. (pppffff!!!!!!!).

I then used my EAD for another job and my h1b got cancelled.

My EAD card says it expires on Dec 7th
I filed at the beginning of September and receipt notice says Sept. 12th on it.
I already went to do the biometrics like it was asked, this was on Oct 13th.
I still haven't got MY NEW EAD IN THE MAIL and the USCIS case status says it's processing!!!

What if I terminate my work contracts and everything which takes time, and then the card arrives?.............It doesn't make ANY SENS!!!!!!
I would be with no money, and my research employers in some MESS because we are at a critical time and we need to file reports!!!!!!!!


Thank you so much for your time!!!
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Went thru the same.

My EAD was received on Sept18th. The current one is expiring on Dec 11th.
So, I sent the Expedite request to Fax # 402-219-6171/6170/6344 .

And I sent the same to NSC Address.

Fortunately, it was approved yesterday. I would suggest,you follow the same.

I couldn't find any fax number of the Missouri Service Center so I sent an express mail with a letter requesting to expedite my EAD renewal, with cpies of receipt notice and the biometrics notice with the stamp on it (to prove I did do the biometrics).

I got an appointment for thursday morning with INFOPASS at the local USCIS office.

I am still in panic!!!!!!!!!!! I can't be out of JOB!!!!!!!!!! In financial loss, with my employers in lack of productivity...........
I can't believe they can be responsible of such a terrible thing in people's lives.

:mad: :mad: :mad:
EAD Expedited Processing

Hi Kirankumarj,

I have applied for EAD renewal on 09/30/06 and sent a expedited processing request through fax on 11/20/06. I saw LUD on 11/20/06 but there is no email or change in the status message. After sending the fax for expedited processing, how many days it took for you for the approval/renewal? My EAD is expiring very soon and I am really concerned about this.

Please post your thoughts.

GJ :(
Most likely..yours is approved.

Since you have LUD,I guess it is approved.

But to answer your question,I sent fax 2 weeks back. Not sure,if it worked or not.
kirankumarj said:
Since you have LUD,I guess it is approved.

But to answer your question,I sent fax 2 weeks back. Not sure,if it worked or not.

NSC is taking around 60 days to process EAD.
even more confusing

answersinthis said:
Hello I am under adjustment of status processing for a year now. I was under H1B, got married. Already passed and succeeded the interview but according to the agent "h1b" cases are longer and I haven't got any "welcome note" yet. (pppffff!!!!!!!).

I then used my EAD for another job and my h1b got cancelled.

My EAD card says it expires on Dec 7th
I filed at the beginning of September and receipt notice says Sept. 12th on it.
I already went to do the biometrics like it was asked, this was on Oct 13th.
I still haven't got MY NEW EAD IN THE MAIL and the USCIS case status says it's processing!!!

What if I terminate my work contracts and everything which takes time, and then the card arrives?.............It doesn't make ANY SENS!!!!!!
I would be with no money, and my research employers in some MESS because we are at a critical time and we need to file reports!!!!!!!!


Thank you so much for your time!!!

To confuse the story even MORE.

I went to talk to the international department at work. They had filed my h1-b in the past so I thought they might have advice concerning my LATE EAD.
The lady told me that according to her "your h1b hasn't been cancelled with us. It seems that you wouldn't be able to work only with the second job, but we need to check on this".

:confused: :confused: :confused:

I thought I had understood in the I-765 forms and h1-b's forms that:
once you use your EAD for a different job, your H1-b is cancelled.
"a different job" includes an additional part-time job to me.
Plus, I went on vacation in June and I re-entered with an AP, since I thought my H1 was cancelled. My i-94 says AP on it.

I think i'm getting retarded on this.
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You have invalidated your H1B by using EAD for a different job. I suspect what your company is saying is that they haven't done anything themselves to cancel your H1B.
answersinthis said:
To confuse the story even MORE.

I went to talk to the international department at work. They had filed my h1-b in the past so I thought they might have advice concerning my LATE EAD.
The lady told me that according to her "your h1b hasn't been cancelled with us. It seems that you wouldn't be able to work only with the second job, but we need to check on this".

:confused: :confused: :confused:

I thought I had understood in the I-765 forms and h1-b's forms that:
once you use your EAD for a different job, your H1-b is cancelled.
"a different job" includes an additional part-time job to me.
Plus, I went on vacation in June and I re-entered with an AP, since I thought my H1 was cancelled. My i-94 says AP on it.

I think i'm getting retarded on this.

You cannot be on H1B and use your EAD to work on a second parttime job.
As soon as you use your EAD for any kind of job, your HIB gets cancelled.
Hope this helps.
Goodluck with your EAD approval.

What a mess in the forum, it seems that everyone gets the wrong information and it's all mixed up. I read the post about Atlanta Airport. I have no idea why INSIDE the USCIS itself people would have different ideas concerning the subject. What a mess for bullsh#tting us. Seriously. Who care,s in the end, we're not criminals damn it!
Maybe what they told me is wrong too.... but it would be weird

Here were the answers of the INFOPASS:
***Since I never signed an I-9 at my sponsor-job, I was and am still under an H1B until it expires
***since I signed an I-9 at the part-time job, I used my EAD with the part-time job only. So when it expires if my EAD is still not there I can't work at the part-time job ONLY. But I can ask at the local office for an interim-EAD once it's been 90 days from receipt date.
(Which is what the international affairs employee at work told me.)
***I didn't need to use the AP when I went for an abroad trip, I could have used the H1-B with the I-94 from the approval notice. I asked if that was bad if my I-94 said paroled until '07 and the agent said "it doesn't mean anything, the h1 counts".

How hard will they make it for us to understand their crap, seriously.
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'answersinthis' - you must have signed an I-9 when you started your H1B job. If you didn't then your employer made a mistake. The preamble from the I-9 form states: "All U.S. employers are responsible for completion and retention of Form I-9 for each individual they hire for employment in the United States. This includes citizens and noncitizens." It is fairly clear from this wording that it applies to every one working in a job.

You are wrong about the interim-EAD by the way. Local offices stopped issuing them earlier this year because they were not able to generate the cards to the required level of security.
renew ead relatyed

Answerin this , i was reading your post, first of all take it east INS knows about this delays and overlaping EAD's so there is tolerence there, I ahve simliar situation, I applied for OAS I -485 married to USC 3 years back everything done they are doing background check which takes forever,..in mean time I use to renew EAD in local office on same day, this time they cahnged that too so E filed EAD, my current one is expired, I talked to my HR they so since u apply for renew it is fine, and u will not beleive immigration office said that if your employer allows you to work, u can work,....dont volunter at work that i am in mess, since you are married to USC u will get GC, just stay clam keep fingers crossed and work.
NO MORE INTERIM EAD at the local offices

I was reading everyone else's responses to this EAD situation. Mine is very similar. I got married to a USC and filed all the documents in August. USCIS received everything on August 24th, since then my EAD has been pending. Today is December 4th, over 90 days. I got an Infopass appointment trying to get an Interim EAD. Even though the USCIS website has allowed me to make the appointment regarding "EAD is pending over 90 days", the local district offices however will no longer process same day permits. The officer handed me a photocopied paper saying "This office is unable to provide the requested document at this time...". The officer promised to e-mail to NBC inquiring about the case... Who knows if he really did.

Question #1: "Why do they allow you to make appointment on this matter if they no longer processing EADs on site?"
Question #2: How can you contact Missouri?

My case is pending in Missouri, that is the only place I can speed up the process. I did send them a letter requesting an expedited processing. Will it help?

I have two fantastic job offers, getting frustrated to lose the jobs of a lifetime!
EAD_issues said:
Answerin this , i was reading your post, first of all take it east INS knows about this delays and overlaping EAD's so there is tolerence there, I ahve simliar situation, I applied for OAS I -485 married to USC 3 years back everything done they are doing background check which takes forever,..in mean time I use to renew EAD in local office on same day, this time they cahnged that too so E filed EAD, my current one is expired, I talked to my HR they so since u apply for renew it is fine, and u will not beleive immigration office said that if your employer allows you to work, u can work,....dont volunter at work that i am in mess, since you are married to USC u will get GC, just stay clam keep fingers crossed and work.
It's not entirely clear what you are trying to say here because the style is rather poor, but I believe the points you are trying to make are:
1. You can continue to work on EAD after your current one has expired provided you have filed for renewal.
2. You have an automatic right to a green card if you are married to a US citizen.

If so, you are wrong on both counts I'm afraid. Firstly, it has been stated time and time again in these forums (with citations) that the ability to use a renewal receipt for an employment-enabling document in place of the document itself only applies to non-immigrant statuses, such as an H1B visa. An EAD is not a non-immigrant status. (Indeed, it is not a status at all.) Therefore, as stated on the I-9 form, the renewed EAD card is required to revalidate employment eligibility. Secondly, any failure to maintain legal status, or working without authorization, can result in a green card application being rejected or revoked, or a subsequent citizenship application being rejected. In the case of a family-based application you don't even have the protection offered by section 245(k) of the immigration act.
Msc Ead

Hello , I can rally understand your frustration, but you can do two things you can accpet job offer and show them you have appliued for EAD and will produce docs in 90 days, they have to accpet that, you must be thinking what if you start working and EAd comes of later date well, my lawyer told me if you are married to USC INS oversees some time gaps not very stringent about that,....I tried very hard to get MSC contatc info but its not any where listed, best is I maiuled them with return service requested on the address where tyhe ask to submit suporting docs....please share when ever you receive EAD.Thx
Look at my signature

Until today after the last lud on 12/01 I have not received anything at all, or any other Lud, in my head i want to think that probably they know my I-485 will be approved and they will not issue a car but its just a dream. Prayers for all of you
EAD/Driver Licence Expiring

Can some one help me please:

My EAD and Driving Licence both are expiring on the same date(Jan'15). Sent the renewal docs early October.

How do I request for EXPIDITE PROCESS. Please tell me the procedure.

Expedite Process Template

Hi Kirankumarj, GrimJudge,

Can you please provide the template you faxed to NSC.

General format.

I just wrote that it would jeopardise my employment.

Fax number : 1-402-219-6171 fax for expedite request

To talk directly : 1-800-375-5283

Press 1 (for english),
bypass intro 2
press 2 (for existing case),
press 6 (for case statues etc),
then press 1( for knowing your receipt no.),
enter the receipt # to get the automated response saying blah blah blah and also at the end saying this is the most upto date information on your case and our customer the same info national customer service agents have

Then choose to continue to the next step "press 3" . choose 3

Listen to the options-

Option 4 "if you feel if you submitted together and one of the applications is left out and not processed

You get transferred to NSC after choosing option 4.