EAD - Help!


Registered Users (C)
My EAD application was received by INS on Jan. 16th. It is not yet 90 days. Do you think I can go to District Office (Dallas in my case, not the local office which is Oklahoma City) and get an interim EAD.

Please reply mine expires soon.
Please explain

I quite don\'t understand what you meant by "what you are gonna do with EAD in one week??"

If my EAD expires I cannot work right? Are you implying something else?

Please clarify.

I am in the same boat, RD is 16th jan \'02,FP done ,no EAD yet..i too have the same question whether

Seems to vary from place to place

When I went to the local INS office, I was told that it had to be 90 days since the ND for them to give me an interim. However, I got my EAD before the 90 day period ended. I understand it is a relatively painless procedure where you just take your 485 receipt notice and your passport and they issue you an interim EAD.

However I have seen posts here that suggest that you can get an interim EAD earlier. That was not the case in the INS office I went to.

Hope this helps.

Thanks for the information...we are in CA ,do u have any idea how it might be here?thanks again..

Can we know by calling them or are we supposed to go personaly?..

I have no idea how it is in CA. I went personally, but that is because the office is in the same town that I live in.
