EAD card lost...

I think you can ask INS to send you a replacement card. Do you still have the mailer with you in which they sent you the card ?

I think there are some instructions on it in case an applicant looses his EAD card.

I would advise you to call the 800 BCIS customer service number / contact local INS.

Do not worry too much.
I dont think there is anything to worry about. My wife lost her EAD(she was not working at the time though and was still maintaining her H4). We did not apply for a replacement as she didn't need it and at the time of renewal, we just attached the top portion of the mailer that came with the first EAD. We didn't even have a copy of the EAD and had no problems in getting the card renewed.

Relax, if you are working using the EAD that you lost you can get a replacement card. You can find the instructions on BCIS website. If you dont need the card right now just take it easy and apply for renewal when it is due using the top portion of the mailer.

Thanks cmr and jaykarandikar,

Unfortunately, I do not have either copy of EAD or the top portion of mailer. my wife simultaneouslt got her EAD and she has it.

will it be a problem if I travel on AP?
Why don't you try Local INS?

Regarding travelling on AP I read somewhere on this website that
it is good idea to keep copy of I-485 receipt and current employment letter .

I don't know if this is possible but I would try local INS and see if they
can issue duplicate EAD card.

you don't need EAD to travel on AP.
But 485 receipt is reqd
RD JAN 03,2002
ND JAN 08,2002
FP OCT 24,2002
AD ?
No RFE so far