Ead Approved At Vsc

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I had a question regarding RD. With VSC having this mail room issue, will the RD be the actual they recd. the 485 packet or is it when they open it. Kindly let me know if your RD corresponds to the date INS recd. your application.
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If you are asking me, I filed 485 during the last week of May and have not yet recd. any details. So kind of worried if my RD is going to be one of the last week days of May or july.
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Sorry, I did\'nt address anyone specifically. My question is to I140.
Anyway, your RD is most likely to be the end of middle of June if U have applied in the last week of May. There was an issue of mail room backlog but with the new contractor it has been resolved.
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How is it that it is going to be end of June when INS actuall recd. it last week of May? Any ideas?
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RD is the date on which INS physically receives the application

ND is notice generated and input into their System.