Ead & Ap


Registered Users (C)
No approval yet from VSC for EAD & AP -
RD is August 15' 03.

Has anyone else experienced similar delays?

EAD: RD was 8/21 and AD was in Dec03
No News on AP or 140....Just saw someone who filed 140, EAD and AP in October and received an approval for the 140 and EAD on 12/15!

I have no idea what the delays in AP are for. Now, with the new "amnesty" program, we may have further delays :(
To Jay_gm and cvs gupta

Since ur RD is in Aug 03, can't you guys go to your local office and get Interim EAD?

Re: To Jay_gm and cvs gupta

Originally posted by lil_joe
Since ur RD is in Aug 03, can't you guys go to your local office and get Interim EAD?


re: going to the local INS office.

My lawyer said:

1. It will cost $350 to get the processing done @ local INS office.
2. People wait in long lines from night before.
3. Immigration folks process very few cases...there is no gurantee that you will be called upon.

it's frustrating.
Re: Re: To Jay_gm and cvs gupta

You dont need to pay the fees again. Your lawyer is giving you wrong information.

Yes, at some local offices there is a long line but if you reach 2 hours before the office open, you can get the token for EAD. Most of the people who want iEAD get it, if they have proper documentation.

Originally posted by cvgupta
re: going to the local INS office.

My lawyer said:

1. It will cost $350 to get the processing done @ local INS office.