EAD & ADD change Q's


New Member

I have couple of clarifications to make,


When I applied I-485 in feb 02 I did not applied for EAD(Stupid over confidence of my current job) and now my company situation is not good they laid off 10%, fortunately i survived this time. Situation doesn't look good in next couple of months, So I immediately applied EAD on 12/03 (better late than never), my question is if something goes wrong in between about my job am I eligible for IEAD??

I would like to move to low cost Apartment, Is it better to do a change of address at this stage? what are the consequences??

It will be really helpfull to me for the above two questions.

thx in advance
ead and addr change

1) For iEAD, as a general rule of thumb, you have to wait atleast 90 days. But i've seen people getting iead before 90 days too.

2) For addr change, Just call IIO and update it and also send the
form AR-11 to ins. [I did the same too]. Not sure about the
form #. But pls check it in INS web site and download it.


Good luck
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did u'r documents reach fine...when u did a address change...
pls reply back soon...


Racs_12, I don't remember what are all the docs
i sent w/ AR-11. But i think it reached them fine. Sent the AR-11 form w/ my new address to the address stated in the form itself and called IIO [best way to update the address] and updated the address change again.
[Note: I applied my EAD from old addr, go it approved and received in my new address].
