
It's easy!

go to the:

the first message has attachment xls file, download, open , and press CTRL-Z, it will ask you the date and the range to scan.
Easyer than you think :)))

1. Inform here which date are you going to scan and make sure that you are not doing the scan for same date some one else is doing
2. Open the following excel attachment
3. Press Ctrl+Z which will open a small window.
4. Enter the first 8 digits of EAC eg EAC02-087
5. Give the range ( usually starts from 50000. So give for eg 50000-50999.) Don't exceed 1000 at a time for a single IP address
6. If you want to scan for the next range, (say next day) copy this sheet to different name and again give same EAC number and next range of 1000. Then cut and paste to combine previous and current sheet.

Thats all. Its is so easy. You can use proxy servers if you would like to scan more on the same day.
Thanks to Original author of this program OFF_PATIENCE.