EAC02124 Series Update

update as of 2/5

5 approvals since last post, and one transfer

Total: 215
Approved: 30
Transfers: 48
RFE rcvd: 11
RFE sent: 5
Resumed/FP: 81 (8 of which after 9/03, one of second FPers got approved)
Misc: 21
Rcvd: 19
update as of 2/9

was able to increase the sample size somewhat.... here are the results:

Total: 273
Approved: 33 (one today, which had a message of RFE received on 1/23/2004 before) -> 12.1%
Transferred: 87 -> 31.9%
Resumed/FP: 96 (10 of which have date after 9/03) -> 35.2%
Received: 21
RFE crvd: 9
RFE sent: 6
Misc: 21

In total, 135 out of 273 cases touched (Approved, Transferred, RFE) in this sample size (49.4%).

Personally, I am happy to announce that I got courtesy copy from lawyer for FP2 at Newark in March. However, I havent received original copy although I filed AR-11 when I moved. Any idea why? Does early FP2 at Newark work, and if so, does it speed up the approval process? Thanks,
update as of 2/13

approaching the 2-year anniversary of this series (which is tomorrow!):

since 2/9, 3 approvals, 2 RFE received, 1 RFE sent, 5 transfers, and 2 resumed (second FP)

seems that approvals slowed down this week for this series - may be due to need for massive re-fingerprinting taking place now and in coming months. stats are:

Total: 430
Approved: 46 (10.7%)
Transferred: 140 (32.6%)
Resumed/FP: 157 (36.5%) (at least 21 of which have had FP2 taken given their FP date)
RFE received: 13
RFE sent: 10
Misc: 28
Received: 36
update as of 2/17

so, this series officially crossed its 2-year anniversary.... pretty pathetic looking at the overall numbers!

however, i recently found that most cases considered "Misc" by the script are actually approvals.... therefore, a relatively big shift in the approval numbers today:

Total: 430
Approved: 72 (16.7%)
Transferred: 141 (32.8%)
RFE sent: 11 (one today)
RFE received: 13
Resumed/FP: 154 (35.8%)
Misc: 3
Received: 36
update as of 2/18

today i guess constituted a good day in this Feb'02 series, since there were 3 approvals. however, it also saw 2 more transfers.

Total: 430
Approved: 75
Transferred: 143
RFE sent: 11
RFE received: 13
Resumed/FP: 149
Misc: 3
Received: 36
update as of 2/21

thursday and friday were not great for this series... only one change from RFE sent to RFE received:

Total: 430
Approved: 75
Transferred: 143
RFE sent: 10
RFE received: 14
Resumed/FP: 149
Misc: 3
Received: 36

just for information sake, i went to newark office to get new (3rd!)advance parole since i have to leave the country on business next week. i had filed with VSC back in Oct'03, namely RD of 10/10/03. they asked me to pay the application fee again although i saw some posts here stating that they waive it if you had filed earlier with VSC. i wasnt really in a mood to contest it, so i paid it again.

for procedural info: i lined up outside the office around 6AM with about 75-100 people ahead of me. by 8, there were at least 200 more people behind me in line, and i am not sure whether everyone was able to enter since they have a quota of walk-ins. also, be careful if you go for advance parole, since they have a separate quota for advance parole, which means you are counted against both quotas.

i was given my advance parole document without too many questions around 1:30PM. the only things they wanted to see were my I-485 receipt and my previoiusly filed I-131 advance parole receipt (in addition to form and cover letter of course). i included a letter from my employer (since it was business trip) and my already booked tickets - however they didnt seem to care too much about it.
update as of 2/24

not so great the past few days: 2 transfers, 1 RFE and 1 withdrawal! number of transfers is going to overtake the remaining resumed/FP for this Feb'02 series soon.....

Total: 430
Approved: 75
Transferred: 145
RFE sent: 11
RFE received: 13
Resumed/FP: 146
Misc: 3
Received: 36
Withdrawn: 1
update as of 3/7

bad week i guess since no new approvals:
1 new RFE, 1 RFE sent changed to RFE received, 1 new transfer (after RFE), and 2 transfers to missouri serive center were changed to Received.

hope that many here are just taking their second FP - at least I am going to have it done this coming weekend.

Total: 430
Approved: 75
Transferred: 144
RFE sent: 11
RFE received: 13
Resumed/FP: 146
Misc: 3
Received: 37
Withdrawn: 1
update as of 3/9

yesterday saw 1 approval after RFE received on 2/26 - that is approval within two weeks of answer to RFE, and one new RFE received from "resumed"

Total: 430
Approved: 76
Transferred: 144
RFE sent: 11
RFE received: 13
Resumed/FP: 145
Misc: 3
Received: 37
Withdrawn: 1
update as of 3/11

there was one more approval after RFE received on 1/25. One RFE was replied to (that is RFE sent to RFE received), while one more case of transfer to missouri service center (on 1/30) was changed to "Received". One more RFE was sent out after status update of "Resumed" on 2/5 (maybe FP2 case?).

Total: 430
Approved: 77
Transferred: 143
RFE sent: 11
RFE received: 13
Resumed/FP: 144
Misc: 3
Received: 38
Withdrawn: 1
update as of 3/13

today is 25-month anniversary for this series.... yesterday there was only one more approval after RFE received on 2/17.

Total: 430
Approved: 78
Transferred: 143
RFE sent: 11
RFE received: 12
Resumed/FP: 144
Misc: 3
Received: 38
Withdrawn: 1

today i went to newark for scheduled FP2. i must say that i am very impressed by the changes that they implemented since may'02 (2 years back) when i had first FP taken. at that time i had to wait in a chaotic line and atmosphere for many hours. instead today, i showed up at 8:45 for a 9:00AM appointment and was done by 9:15! no line - no wait - very straightforward. i just wish that the rest of the process will be as smooth as today.... just hopes i guess
update as of 3/16

on monday, 1 transfer to Missouri Service Center, and 2 cases were "re-opened" due to BCIS motion. thye are counted as Misc.

Total: 430
Approved: 78
Transferred: 144
RFE sent: 11
RFE received: 12
Resumed/FP: 141
Misc: 5
Received: 38
Withdrawn: 1

personally, i am even more frustrated with USCIS. as mentioned before, i went for FP2 on saturday. i was hoping that my pending EAD card application will trigger some good news down the road. i applied in early january 2004, while the offical processing date for 765 is something in october 2003. yesterday i received 765-approval notice and EAD card which was approved on friday - one day before i went for FP2!!!!!

murphy's law... once you want them to wait another week, they get it out earlier than expected... ARGH!!! in any case, we might see substantial movement in EAD-processing dates when the next announcement happens
update as of 3/17

looks like it was a good day today: 3 approvals, and yesterday saw one transfer to baltimore office... hopefully it means that VSC is back to approving feb'02 cases!

Total: 430
Approved: 81
Transferred: 145
RFE sent: 11
RFE received: 12
Resumed/FP: 137
Misc: 5
Received: 38
Withdrawn: 1
update as of 3/18

yesterday, we had one approval from RFE received, and 2 RFE sents

Total: 430
Approved: 82
Transferred: 145
RFE sent: 13
RFE received: 11
Resumed/FP: 135
Misc: 5
Received: 38
Withdrawn: 1
update as of 3/22

monday we had one RFE received from Received, and 3 transfers (one to missouri service center, 2 to boston)... time for some approvals again!!!

Total: 430
Approved: 82
Transferred: 148
RFE sent: 13
RFE received: 12
Resumed/FP: 132
Misc: 5
Received: 37
Withdrawn: 1
update as of 3/23

one approval, and 2 RFE received from RFE sent on tuesday

Total: 430
Approved: 83
Transferred: 148
RFE sent: 11
RFE received: 14
Resumed/FP: 131
Misc: 5
Received: 37
Withdrawn: 1
update as of 3/29

yesterday saw two approvals, on 3/25 we had 3 transfers, one RFE, and one transfer to missouri was reclassified as Received. i hope that everyone will be approved soon now that we are officially part of the backlog

Total: 430
Approved: 85
Transferred: 150
RFE sent: 10
RFE received: 16
Resumed/FP: 126
Misc: 3
Received: 39
Withdrawn: 1
update as of 3/30

3 approvals, one RFE received after RFE sent on 3/1. note that one approval was processed exactly one week after status was changed to RFE received on 3/23.

Total: 430
Approved: 88
Transferred: 150
RFE sent: 9
RFE received: 16
Resumed/FP: 124
Misc: 3
Received: 39
Withdrawn: 1
update as of 3/31

3 more approvals, two after RFE received message changed on 3/22 and 3/23 respectively. i wish we keep seeing 3 approvals per day to finish this series off quickly.... just dreaming on april fools day i guess

Total: 430
Approved: 91
Transferred: 150
RFE sent: 9
RFE received: 14
Resumed/FP: 123
Misc: 3
Received: 39
Withdrawn: 1