Originally posted by reaho
you requests sounds more like "would anybody want to get banned on my behalf " ?
Originally posted by reaho
you requests sounds more like "would anybody want to get banned on my behalf " ?
Originally posted by lc140485
I forgot how to run the script, can someone please tell me? I only remember to press Alt + (one other unknown key).
Originally posted by lc140485
can you give one more digit?
from 50000 to 59999, that is gonna take too much time. Or what you can do is to give a range to scan, for example, 51000 to 51900.
And, thank you gc_majburi for the running tip.
Originally posted by sanjay76
I am running a check for a range of case #s. Can anyone tell me how many cases are received on an average on ONE business day??? I ask this because I know I cannot run the script for a big range like say 50000 - 59999 as I fear that it will ban me..
Also, any risk in running this check process??? Can BCIS recognize me based on my IP??
Originally posted by 140_takes_4ever
We have a script on CSC 485 forum that cycles through free proxy servers. You might want to get that script to prevent IP address banning.
Originally posted by spratibha
Can anyone run a Script for series starting from EAC0305853***. I would really apprecaite. I cannot run the script from my PC as the Macros are disabled.