E mail to Bill O Reilly


Registered Users (C)
We all know that Bill O Reilly talks a lot about national security and the threat posed by immigrants. Should we send him a e mail highlighting the delays in name check by FBI and its consequences on national security. May be he will get interested and provide media coverage. If we say that there is significant delay he is not going to be interested but if we tell hime how this can impact national security he may notice. I think we should keep it short and pithy as he wants it if we decide to send something
You comments and suggestions will be appreciated.
Bill O' Rielly sucks and he is immirant-Hater. He will be very happy knowing that we are tortured by FBI namecheck. He will only care if those namechecks are delayed for illegal-immigrants. Bad idea
We should tell the story from a different point of view. There are many many aliens, who are seeking adjustment to permanent resident status, whose name and birthday search against FBI's central database resulted in many "hits". FBI should immediately look into those cases to find out if there are terrorists in those applicants otherwise national security will be in danger. Instead, FBI put the cases onto the shelves for years during which the alien can legally stay in United States, accept employment and obtain travel documents. FBI just neglect the fact there might be people among those applicants who will do the United States harm, so said President Bush. Instead of hunting them down, FBI let them at large. How about that?
I already sent E-mail a few months back, didn't get any reply

tangohi said:
We all know that Bill O Reilly talks a lot about national security and the threat posed by immigrants. Should we send him a e mail highlighting the delays in name check by FBI and its consequences on national security. May be he will get interested and provide media coverage. If we say that there is significant delay he is not going to be interested but if we tell hime how this can impact national security he may notice. I think we should keep it short and pithy as he wants it if we decide to send something
You comments and suggestions will be appreciated.

I sent e-mail to Bill O, Lou Dobbs about the situation people in this forum are going thurough, the fact there is all this talk about broken borders and nothing much about legall Immigrants and their problems. I didn't get any reply or feedback. I have e-mailed Clark Howard, Sean Hannity and even the Chairman Subcommittee of Immigration, no response or feedback... I just don't get it, why they hate immigrants, without us (illegal or Iegal) most small business or resturants would not function. Only difference is that some people got here 100 years before i did.... :D

Good luck with you e-mail to Billy O.....
Did you mention the incompetence of FBI and how it affects national security? They do not care about immmigrants but security is a hot topic and it might influence them although I believe they do not care about immigrants- legal or illegal.