E file EAD ..Got the receipt but Credit card not charged yet


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My lawyer filed Renewal of EAD on Feb 3rd ...They used my credit card ...My Finger printing and photo have been done at ASC but I notice that My credit card has not been charged yet....How many days does it take before they take money from CC...
When i did it myself e-file, it took about a week to show up on my Online acct for the credit card. So, i guess you should see yours in 1-2 weeks.

Don't worry, they need money , they'll take it ! TSC is in the process of generating revenue for the past 2 yrs !
credit card not charged

I appled EAD online on Jan 15 and done fingerprint on 1/31 but my credit card was not charged. It has been more than 5 weeks. Isn't it weird? Can someone give some idea?

kabi2002, how is your case? Did they charge you finally? Please reply.

Not yet..Mine was applied on Feb 3rd..My lawyer is talking to IIO about it ...As per IIO as long as we have receipt we shouldn't worrey but as per IIO she will look into it...Didi you get the receipt from Service center ?? One wiered thing is that when I use Phone to enquire about the status it says due to temp problem in our system we can't tell the status right now....

Please keep me posted about ur case...

Which card did u use?? I used VISA ...
I am also in the same boat! I have e-filed on 2/17 for me and and my wife. I used debit card for me and Credit card for my wife. My credit card was charged 2/19/2004 and my debit card is not charged yet! Mean while we both have received the receipt notices from USCIS TSC saying they have received payment! Really strange! I felt the same way like kabi2002. God knows when it will be charged.

USCIS gives more pain and torture by these silly ignorant practices to the people who are already have enough!!

I used same credit card (VISA) for both my wife and my cases. None of us was charged but we all got receipt. Now TSC is processing Jan 5th cases. I should hear from them in two weeks. I will post new message.

Yes, they did. I kept checking my credit card but it showed no charge. I received credit card statement a week ago. It shows the fee was charged in January. It's strange.

How is your case?

Not yet..I keep checkig my CC transactions online ..How did you use to check ur cc..Online or phone and after how much time they charged your cc?