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Dv2022 selectee. Education requirement

Nando Cruzine

New Member
Hello. I am a Dv 2022 selecteee. I have this questions to ask and I hope I can get the best advice.
1.. At the time of applying for the DV lottery, I had a diploma from my university since I did not see a diploma I choosed a university degree. Would that be a problemAfter the DV lottery application, I continued university for an additional 2yrs and had an advanced diploma

2.. at the time of application, I interchanged my surname with my given name. Though I have three names through out my certificates and passports but just the format changed. Would that be a problem or I can put the correct format in my ds 260

3.. I emailed Kcc to unlock my ds 260 since I made an error on the section of my address and education which I need to correct. It’s been 3 weeks now and no response. I send them thesame request again yesterday. Any idea how long it can take for them to unlock.
Thank you