Congratulations!! It's an awesome feeling, isn't it?
Make sure to read every letter on your visa to verify everything is correct. Name, DoB, CN, etc. Any discrepancy can cause issues in the future.
Did you pick up your baby's as well or is it just for the rest of the family?
Thank you all again for the good wishes! I was a little busy that's why i disappeared.
Tew it seems your sixth sense told you that there is a problem with me.... Here is what happened on my case.
Q 1) As i informed you last Wednesday i have received my passport from DHL. But not that of my wife's and daughters. I told them three more packages are reaming, they checked and say datum are not available. I thought it was a missing data on their system. They gave me one number to call and enquirer but in vain. The next day i asked them if i had to register and create an account for each family member. That was the problem, as i registered long ago only myself assuming that i am the principal applicant and they are under me. Bad assumption. On Thursday i registered them all on DHL, till now no notification. How long will it take? does creating an account after the interview delay the delivery?
Q 2) I found an error on the white paper attached to the envelop to be given to the Immigration officers at POE. My place of birth was written as MOON, as it was what i wrote in the initial entry. Latter i corrected it to much my passport as SUN. I checked my VISA and they don't write place of birth on it. Will this create problem for me at POE?
Have a blessed Saturday!
Have you contacted the embassy directly for either of these issues? You could email them or call to ask if they have mailed your family's documents.
On my visa, my place of birth is noted as ETH. They don't specify city.
Why does your place of birth in the initial entry and that in your passport differ? I thought your information was required to match? What is recorded in your birth certificate? When were your birth certificate and passport issued? (before or after DV win?; birth certificate from Derg era?).
If there's a big difference between the two, that may end up in a visa refusal (if you contact the embassy) or denial of entry at the airport unless you have a very good explanation. Is the issue something like Oromia vs Shoa? In that case, it could easily be explained by the fact that you were born during a previous government. Otherwise, they probably missed it at the interview.
I honestly don't know what to advise you on this. Perhaps others can chime in - maybe it's not that big a deal?
Have you contacted the embassy directly for either of these issues? You could email them or call to ask if they have mailed your family's documents.
On my visa, my place of birth is noted as ETH. They don't specify city.
Why does your place of birth in the initial entry and that in your passport differ? I thought your information was required to match? What is recorded in your birth certificate? When were your birth certificate and passport issued? (before or after DV win?; birth certificate from Derg era?).
If there's a big difference between the two, that may end up in a visa refusal (if you contact the embassy) or denial of entry at the airport unless you have a very good explanation. Is the issue something like Oromia vs Shoa? In that case, it could easily be explained by the fact that you were born during a previous government. Otherwise, they probably missed it at the interview.
I honestly don't know what to advise you on this. Perhaps others can chime in - maybe it's not that big a deal?
Hi Ormania, the same thing happened to a colleague of mine and took them about a week. Don't worry it will come through. If significantly delayed better contact the embassy. For the second issue I do not think it is a major problem, my guess is it could have been a problem at the time of interview that is my guess.
I hope it will be over this time
I believe birthplace is not a huge issue unless it changes your region of chargeability. They do not seem so fussed about honest errors that don't fundamentally affect eligibility. (If though he was selected say on an AF number but was actually born in an AS country that would be a problem.)
ormania and tew i am glad to join your forum. i am dv 2015 winner. CN 2015AF00024***. when do you think my interview willbe?
Dear Tew, I just collected my families passport and document from DHL just now. Question 1 is solved.
My passport was issued in 2011, long before i won the DV. My birth certificate was issued weeks before the interview. There reason why the error occurred is that the name of the city is chabged recently like that of Nathret to Adama. Now i know that you have answered it as oromia and show could be regarded as one. Thanks.