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DV2013 question -


Registered Users (C)
Hi all,

I am new in this forum, I hope someone could help me out here 
I am a winner of Dvlottery 2013 and I sent to KCC the following forms:
DSP-122 – the winner
DS-230 – the winner
DS-230 – Partner

My inquiry is the following:
In P31A “31a. Person(s) named in 14 and 29 who will accompany you to the United States now.” as we are only a couple we answer “1”. I understood they were asking for the amount of people.
In P31B “31b. Person(s) named in 14 and 29 who will follow you to the United States at a later date” we answered “0” because no one will come after.

As this might be a mistake I contact KCC with the following answers:
1- by phone: re-send the forms if I think I made a mistake.
2- by email 1: that answer wont affect the processing of my case
3- by email 2: KCC cannot advice on those questions so I have to contact the embassy.

As you can see, I got a diversity of answers from the same department I still think my answer is not wrong because I stated the number of people coming which in my case will be only my partner.

According to your experience, what should I do? I am not sure if this might disqualify my case since my partner also sent the form DS-230.

Dv2013 question - DS230 question P31a

sorry.. I couldnt include a title according to the context, and I cannot edit it now. Not sure if someone could do it!

Hi all,

I am new in this forum, I hope someone could help me out here 
I am a winner of Dvlottery 2013 and I sent to KCC the following forms:
DSP-122 – the winner
DS-230 – the winner
DS-230 – Partner

My inquiry is the following:
In P31A “31a. Person(s) named in 14 and 29 who will accompany you to the United States now.” as we are only a couple we answer “1”. I understood they were asking for the amount of people.
In P31B “31b. Person(s) named in 14 and 29 who will follow you to the United States at a later date” we answered “0” because no one will come after.

As this might be a mistake I contact KCC with the following answers:
1- by phone: re-send the forms if I think I made a mistake.
2- by email 1: that answer wont affect the processing of my case
3- by email 2: KCC cannot advice on those questions so I have to contact the embassy.

As you can see, I got a diversity of answers from the same department I still think my answer is not wrong because I stated the number of people coming which in my case will be only my partner.

According to your experience, what should I do? I am not sure if this might disqualify my case since my partner also sent the form DS-230.

For the first question you should've put your spouse name. I understand your concern, but this is not a serious mistake. Just send kcc an email to rectify the mistake. In the email don't forget to include your case number, full name and date of birth.

Thanks ammeck09

Today they told me they have no record of my forms as they were received a week ago so I will wait a bit more. Does KCC usually make correction by email?

I guess they will let me know if they correct it.

For the first question you should've put your spouse name. I understand your concern, but this is not a serious mistake. Just send kcc an email to rectify the mistake. In the email don't forget to include your case number, full name and date of birth.

What are the MEANING of this abbreviations

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My inquiry is the following:
In P31A “31a. Person(s) named in 14 and 29 who will accompany you to the United States now.” as we are only a couple we answer “1”. I understood they were asking for the amount of people.
Respectfully, you misunderstood the question. You should have written the name of your partner, not the number of people.

I still think my answer is not wrong because I stated the number of people coming which in my case will be only my partner.
I disagree, as the question asks for "people", not "NUMBER of people". Anyway, my opinion, or yours, doesn't really matter as the only opinion that matters is that of the consular officer deciding your case.

Even though you might have made a mistake I don't think it is a fatal one - far from it. You can explain your answer at the interview... after all your mistake is quite understandable and can very easily be explained. If I were you I would not even bother trying to correct it with KCC but just explain it at the interview - if it is even mentioned, that is. Good luck.

Respectfully, you misunderstood the question. You should have written the name of your partner, not the number of people.

I disagree, as the question asks for "people", not "NUMBER of people". Anyway, my opinion, or yours, doesn't really matter as the only opinion that matters is that of the consular officer deciding your case.

Even though you might have made a mistake I don't think it is a fatal one - far from it. You can explain your answer at the interview... after all your mistake is quite understandable and can very easily be explained. If I were you I would not even bother trying to correct it with KCC but just explain it at the interview - if it is even mentioned, that is. Good luck.

I didn't bother to contact to KCC, it is more difficult to explain the problem and asking for the correction. I will wait for my interview, the only info they don't have is that my partner will go with me at the same time or afterwards so I will clarify this issue at that time.

Why is my husband's daughter name is on the interview letter? Please help.

I have been chosen as one of DV winners for the 2013. I am the principal applicant. I am married and my husband has a 10 year old daughter from her previous marriage. The little girl lives with her mother 3000 km from us and she does not want immigrate to the US. (The mother has sole custody). My husband and I submitted the forms DSP-122, and DS-230 to Kentucky as required. On the form DS-230 question 29. (List Names, Dates and Places of Birth, and Addresses of ALL Children.) I did write that N/A because I don’t have my own child, but on my husband’s form DS-230 as required he did write the details of his child. But in question 31a. (Person(s) named in 14 and 29 who will accompany you to the United States now) we only write each other’s name not the child’s name at all. In the next question (31b. Person(s) named in 14 and 29 who will follow you to the United States at a later date.) we both wrote “none”.
So after 3 month I received an e-mail to check the status of my application. The appointment has been scheduled for October 4, 2012.
“This is the official notice for you to pursue your application for DV-2013 Visa. An appointment has been scheduled for the applicant at the stated location. The applicant and all members of the applicant’s family must appear at the appointed date and time for your interview…”

But on the appointment letter has three names, my husband name as well as his daughter’s name and mine. I as a principal applicant and my husband and his daughter as beneficiaries. My husband’s daughter is only 10 years old and cannot present at the interview because it’s impossible.( She's only 10 and, her mother decide, and she is far away 3000km) We did everything honestly as required. My husband had to list her name on the form DS-230 no other way around.

Please give me some advice what to do know. If my husband daughter will not present at the interview we have no chance for successful interview? Any help or past experience would be appreciated.
Thank you.
If my husband daughter will not present at the interview we have no chance for successful interview? Any help or past experience would be appreciated.
It is not a problem if the child is not present at the interview. They will continue with your application and they will process only the people that are present at the interview (you and your husband). I had a similar situation as you and still received my visa.
Savings rpanied

Thank you for your kindness and giving me your past experience as an advice. Shoul I still let the consulate know that the child will not present at the interview? I'm also confused a little about that my husband's daughter is my stepchild or not?. I never met his daughter and my husband has no legal custody at all over the child. I found all type of law on the net about that. I am worried because in the DV-entry I did not list my husband's daughter.
Thanks again if you have any more advice.
Thank you for your kindness and giving me your past experience as an advice. Shoul I still let the consulate know that the child will not present at the interview? I'm also confused a little about that my husband's daughter is my stepchild or not?. I never met his daughter and my husband has no legal custody at all over the child. I found all type of law on the net about that. I am worried because in the DV-entry I did not list my husband's daughter.
Thanks again if you have any more advice.

Dear sndrkss,

Please, please can you share your interview experience if you got the visa..... I have similar situation and I am hesitating to go to interview. It will be very valuable if you can put your experience and give some advice.

Thank you
It is not a problem if the child is not present at the interview. They will continue with your application and they will process only the people that are present at the interview (you and your husband). I had a similar situation as you and still received my visa.

Dear superkruz,

Did they ask you specifically why you did not list your stepchild name on the eDV application.
Please, give me some more details.

Thank you a lot.