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DV2012 Winners from Uganda meet here


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All uganda winners please post your views and experiences here. Lets keep the thread alive
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Glad there is a Ugandan thread. Its now just 7 days to go. Believe God that you will be successful come May 1. I have faith that I and my family will get good news on May 1.
Glad there is a Ugandan thread. Its now just 7 days to go. Believe God that you will be successful come May 1. I have faith that I and my family will get good news on May 1.

It is actually very nice to hear from a ugandan. Wish you all the best. I have alot of faith that things will work out an pray that God will grant many ugandans success in dv2012.
Lets share information on the process after we have received the good news. Because of God's grace, those who have faith have already been selected and we shall just be verifying this truth by checking on May 1.
will we increase our share

Too few people win the DV in Uganda, I know only three people that have won. This is my second attempt and i have encouraged more of my friends to play the lottery. I have been to the US and I love the mid-west, i here they call it "fly over country". I look forward to educating my children there. If i win its fine if i dont i will just keep praying, I promised myself to play for 10 years now this as i said is the second attempt.
Be blessed.
It should be and is an advantage that few people in Uganda even apply for the DV compared to other nations. We still have our percentage set aside for Ugandans by the US Congress policy on diversity visas no matter how many apply. Since this percentage is constant, the fewer Ugandan people apply, the more chances those who do apply have to get selected. The technology system aims at allocating a particular percentage to each region.

Having said that, your faith should be in God. And since you say you like the US, then keep believing.
yes I believe

thanks YesINHim, I am a believer too and I put my trust in God, On the morning of 19th February 2011 I had hoped to tell my son who is 6 years that he has a future in Uganda but as you are aware that wasn't possible.
I hate it when they buy teargass instead of medicine, am fairly well off by Ugandan standards but the regime's handling of the economy and the opposition is one reason I would be soon out of Uganda if nothing changes, We have all the symptoms of Zimbabwe and now I believe we have caught the Zim Cold.be blessed brother.
Good luck to you both. Hope you both win. It is an advantage that fewer Ugandans are aware or even apply for the DV compared to other African countries - 490 Ugandans in 2011 vs 4000+ Kenyans, or 6000+ Nigerians. Hope to hear good news later from you both and others. All the best
I like it before the final whistle

Am a football lover (though not a fanatic) and I support Manchester United and I have had a chance to watch a live match at Old Trafford. Supporting a football club is a lifetime committment, whether United loose or win I will always be there to cheer. Now in a couple of hours we will know if we have been lucky or not but that is to miss the fun and the point of playing the lottery, to us its a football game, not so players? No all people that play the diversity Visa lottery are desperate. Be blessed.
I imagine the results will be viewable to us tomorrow mourning probably around 7:00am so praying for all of you. Hope we all win and come back with powerful testimonies.
not lucky this time around

Just checked the website, i did not win and neither of the 8 entries i made for family and friends won. But will be back to try in 2013. I wish all that won the best. I am not expecting to visit the USA this but certainly will in 2012. Be blessed
Yes even the 2012 few poeple are selected due to economic crisis,the lottery about to end
few ppl are selected? says who? 100,000 is the no. that wont change.
due to economic crisis, the usa is losing its immigrants.
in my opinion, DV wont be canceled.
few ppl are selected? says who? 100,000 is the no. that wont change.
due to economic crisis, the usa is losing its immigrants.
in my opinion, DV wont be canceled.

The status of the USA economy is on the news just about every day...About 2-3 weeks ago, Barack Obama had a press conference, informing citizens of the serious debt crisis the USA is facing. The debt is over a trillion dollars to which he proposed to reduce in 12 years. He went on to say that it will continue to affect the economy which is already bad and increase the unemployment rate.

Also, I've read some where that the DV-lottery criteria may change. They proposed to allot the DVs to students who are already in the USA with advanced degrees. Sometimes rumors are not far from the truth. So do not be surprised if it materializes. Just keep a close eye on the USA's economy over the next few months or until registration for DV-2013 which may begin in October.
The status of the USA economy is on the news just about every day...About 2-3 weeks ago, Barack Obama had a press conference, informing citizens of the serious debt crisis the USA is facing. The debt is over a trillion dollars to which he proposed to reduce in 12 years. He went on to say that it will continue to affect the economy which is already bad and increase the unemployment rate.

Also, I've read some where that the DV-lottery criteria may change. They proposed to allot the DVs to students who are already in the USA with advanced degrees. Sometimes rumors are not far from the truth. So do not be surprised if it materializes. Just keep a close eye on the USA's economy over the next few months or until registration for DV-2013 which may begin in October.

But what can we do. i have always known that things only become harder as you proceed with life not easy. its the same situation everywhere. in my country the cost of living has increased four fold in just a few months. the amount of money you would feed on for a week, now you spend in less than a day. We can only grow tougher and more ambitious because things wont get any easier no matter where you are.The dv lottery offers a big opportunity for anyone who can overcome the tough challenges that lie ahead. I managed to win this year and for me iam hoping that GOD WILLING i will find a way through.Its quite tough where iam but i have managed fine.
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