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Dv2010 Winners From Egypt Please Share Here

Hello semsem,
Can you tell me where are you from?اي محافظة
and do you know anyone else had received th first NL
do you know how long does it take to take the visa after the interview
can we change the interview date to a specific day
do we need to get deportaion record شهادة تحركات

I'm in US, and did AOS last year.
Normally, it took about three weeks for me to recieve my actual GC.
I think it is going to be the same for CP.

You can change the interview date, but DON'T DO THAT. This will delay the processing of your application.

I did not understand what do you mean by" deportaion record "
If you mean "criminal record" (فيش و تشبيه)
yes you will need one since you are doing CP.

I'm in US, and did AOS last year.
Normally, it took about three weeks for me to recieve my actual GC.
I think it is going to be the same for CP.

You can change the interview date, but DON'T DO THAT. This will delay the processing of your application.

I did not understand what do you mean by" deportaion record "
If you mean "criminal record" (فيش و تشبيه)
yes you will need one since you are doing CP.


1- Do you know how long the delay will be if I trasferned, I will be in a Gulf country and usually it is hard to go out? Do you know someone did it?

2- "deportation record" is شهادة تحركات
it is different than the criminal record, I saw one person in another fourm did it, but he said he did not use it. So I really don't know. I travel alot out of Egypt and that is why I am asking.
Dear All:
I recieved the first NL from 12/ April but didnt send it till now as i am still gathering info. so is there any problem if i delayed another week(the end of April) also,
1. Concerning the education, i am in faculty of medicine ,so when i fill under courses, Shall i write all the courses that i took or just write medicine and general suregry??,,
2. concerning the Degree, i am in my final year, so shall i write under the degree (Baceolar degree, not yet recieved or leave it blank).
3. Also i am working as medical advisor for almost a 6 monthes now so in DSP-122 under question number 7, i answer no as i didnt spend 2 years and state that i only worked for 6 monthes or simply answer no.

Sorry about being late, i was really busy and didn't check here for a while,
Regarding the deportation record - its not listed that you need one so i wouldn't really worry about it.
for the transfer thing, i really don't know so i will leave this to the experts

Khaled Nasr - Congrats Bro. and good luck for the rest of the process.

here are some answers to your questions:

1- No need to list all the courses since probably you have too many if them. i would go with your suggestion

2- i'm not sure

3- Answer with No since you don't meet the criteria.

Hope this helps.
I didn't know egyptians do travel...lol
Wouldn't even know where to start when I arrive..... Oh welll....
What advise can you guys give me ,... I mean its my homeland, just never been back there since birth......lol.
I am Planing on going to Cairo in december, talk about.."cultre shock"......lol..

RECIEVED MY NL on April 17th today is may 10th and still havent sent any papers back , but i am doing every thing now.

number is AF14XXX



congratulations abcbmw

but when exactly did you get your NL ?? you posted here that you received it on 17th of April

RECIEVED MY NL on April 17th today is may 10th and still havent sent any papers back , but i am doing every thing now.

number is AF14XXX


and in another post you said you recieved it on 22nd of April and your CN is AF13xxx and not AF14xxx as you stated above

Hi alll

my wife won the dv 2010 ,

we just recieved the NL april 22nd in Egypt

our number is 13xxx is that a good number ????

light2009 how is it going ??

and on a third post that you received it on 23rd of April

recieved my NL TODAY APRIL 23RD



just wandering ,, because we are all waiting ,, so each day counts ;)

and congratulations again
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hey my sister too from boston ayoussary ........i hope you got private message i send too you..........your information you put here Great thanks
sorry letter was posted march 31st , recieved it around the 17th but opened it later on after the 22nd as i didnt even know what was it , it was not in mind.

sorry the correct number is 14xxx

i hope that helps ,

Dear all,

I recieved a NL on 14 April, however I live in Europe since a few years.

1-Concerning the police certificates and court records required, do I have to obtain one from Egypt and another from my current place of residence ? or the last is sufficient?

2-How long should it take to recieve the GC from the instant of entering the US.

3-Is it normal to receive an interview appointment in 2010 (according to the CN ) ?

I would highly appreciate your cooperation.
05/02/09: NL from KCC 2010AF0002xxx
05/28/09: Documents sent to KCC
Is there Still Any Hope Left!!

Congrats to all of you who've made it by receiving there NLs, however could any person with experience tell me if I do stand any chance of receiving a NL from now up till the end of the month? ya3ny after all they state on the instructions should be received between May and July!! please let me know, and has there been any cases where no NL has been received however the person was still a winner???

nawarooni ya gama3a and many thanks in advance...
Congrats to all of you who've made it by receiving there NLs, however could any person with experience tell me if I do stand any chance of receiving a NL from now up till the end of the month? ya3ny after all they state on the instructions should be received between May and July!! please let me know, and has there been any cases where no NL has been received however the person was still a winner???

nawarooni ya gama3a and many thanks in advance...

In some cases, the NL sent from KCC might be lost in the way, or delayed. However, starting from first of July, you can check online with your confirmation number that you received when you applied, wheather you are a winner or not. If you are a winner and yet didnt receive the NL, you might contact KCC and let them mail it to you again.

All the best.
evidence of support

Dear all:
I would like to know wut i am supposed to present as evidence of support,,also i would like to clarify that i am still a student so can i present the bank statment including the acount of my mother and that she would support me..