• Hello Members, This forums is for DV lottery visas only. For other immigration related questions, please go to our forums home page, find the related forum and post it there.

DV2010 is out!!!

Slt Baf
Lis les message no 12 et 13 de ce sujet et tu comprendra ce qui me pousse à le faire.
About Paul Biya, I'm :mad: :mad: :mad:
Things will change in 2011 i believe...

Good day :)
I think 1st NL will be out this week's business day.
Those applied with US address should be the first to :D :D :D
My brother has won 30th March receive NL

I am a student in Baltimore, Md and I applied for 8 people from Ghana last year and my brother won. His no. is AF11xxx i dance the whole day. I am so happy for him so guys ITS REALLY OUT. Am praying that I win too and more of the people i applied for also win. God bless and good luck.
Thank god a ghanaian has taking the lead

I am a student in Baltimore, Md and I applied for 8 people from Ghana last year and my brother won. His no. is AF11xxx i dance the whole day. I am so happy for him so guys ITS REALLY OUT. Am praying that I win too and more of the people i applied for also win. God bless and good luck.

God has blessed our home land Ghana already. how wonderful for a ghanaian to win first. Good luck to all.

Tell your brother to learn a lot from the 2009 ghana tread.

NL recieved 18th April
Letter posted to KCC 5th May
sent mail to KCC in July 10
KCC comfirmed reciept of form July 11
Current in December
Police Cert completed
KCC confirm interview for 19/12/08
Interview reschedulled to 23/2/09
successful fisrt interview 23/2/09
medicals completed
second interview 16/04/09
Prov. 21:31 Horses are made ready for battle but vitory is in the hands of God
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I have told him already. Have been coming to this website for more than 5 years, but never registered. This has prompted me to register today. Anyway goodluck to everybody. I actually did pray for him to win. So prayer works.
Hi Okorowaa,

Congrats to your bro. Hope you are not fooling us too like some of the previous posts :) but I get the impression that you're not. Can you please tell us the date that the NL was issued and what is the post mark on the envelope. By the way good luck to you too.
The date is Mar 24. I knew people will think am lying why wld i register to at 3 am to type out a lie. I dont have that time.

Anyway: I have never seen the letter before, but may be those who know will tell you it came in a white big window envelope from US Dept of state, Kentucky Consular Center, 3505 North Highway 25w, Williamsburg, KY 40769, usa almost 20 papers. and a sticker with a return address. Whether you believe me or not MY BROTHER HAS WON.
The date is Mar 24. I knew people will think am lying why wld i register to at 3 am to type out a lie. I dont have that time.

Anyway: I have never seen the letter before, but may be those who know will tell you it came in a white big window envelope from US Dept of state, Kentucky Consular Center, 3505 North Highway 25w, Williamsburg, KY 40769, usa almost 20 papers. and a sticker with a return address. Whether you believe me or not MY BROTHER HAS WON.

Thanks for the info..

Sorry if I offended you but I did not mean to imply that you are a liar, as I said I had the impression that you were actually not fooling us this time.
Congrats again and tell your bro my best wishes and good luck to you
Congratulation !!!

Waiting is over. I heard the rumors that US Gov will terminate Visa Lottery include DV2010 too. It is clear now that everything is Ok . . .
I am a student in Baltimore, Md and I applied for 8 people from Ghana last year and my brother won. His no. is AF11xxx i dance the whole day. I am so happy for him so guys ITS REALLY OUT. Am praying that I win too and more of the people i applied for also win. God bless and good luck.

Dear My friend,
Congratulation first for your brother and Thank you for your good news about the first NL received in the world!!!;)
My friends this year it starts with AF regions! The last year(DV2009) if you remember the first letter received in SA region and in DV2008 the first one was in AS!

Good luck for all of you. we are all waiting. please don't forget and post any news that can happy us!:cool:
lis ma signature en dessous de tous mes posts j'écris: "expecting for a DV2010 NL" = j'espère une notification pour la DV2010.

Déjà 2 essais malheureux(DV2008, DV2009) :( :( :(
Puisse le seigneur me permettre d'avoir ma chance cette année :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:
et toi? combien d'essais dejà? où alors t'es dejà aux USA... :)

Good luck to all, we're waiting NLs here in Africa, (Cameroon for me).
I'm waiting in Malaysia too .. just call my sister (as I use her address during application), still nothing for me :(