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DV2010 is out!!!


Registered Users (C)
about DV2010 NL, go to this link: (in french) :D

.franceservice.com/forum/index.php?action=vthread&forum=2&to[/url] pic=6037

Do you think it's true? :confused: i was expecting not before april for NLs :) :)
My French is not perfect, but this was fairly easy to read, and I don't think it's really trustworthy. It's one of those vague stories about a friend of a friend.

I want to see multiple reports from one region, probably first from the AOS folks. Oh, and actual case numbers.

However, I would definitely not object to Europe being in the first batch.
I guess we need to wait a little bit. Next week we can hear something about that for people who live in US
Thanks TAZMANIA for the correct link. :)
I'm a french native from cameroon.
We're waiting news from those in US & Europe...

Good luck to all ;) ;) ;) ;)
That post in "french" seems more like the mysterious "french" chick from Lost. No reality, just fiction!
NL Out in a rumor !

NL out yet? I emailed KCC and they replied to me that the NLs will be late this year. Not in march like 2007 or 2008, it turns to april for 1st batch.
If you called KCC, and they tell you it's going to be April, what makes you think they're a month early? I know it's nervewrecking and all, but their answer was quite clear.
They tell different ppl different things. I know a folk who called them and they told hin May or June for the first letters.
If this guy`s user name is anything to go by, then there is NO reason to believe him. Paul Biya is the president of Cameroon; one of africa`s longest serving dictator. You can imagine what he is up to when it comes to election rigging,lies telling and stuff. For this guy to have adopted his name (which i do not believe could be a coincidence) tells how much he can do like the man himself. How i wish i could have the means of setting hands on him in this forum. But if i am wrong or mistaken paulbiya, please pardon me.

Paul Biya is the most bad president among Africa :mad: I hate him.
I've chose this user name to have it in my mind permanently. In 2011 things will change here in Cameroon; with or without me.

Have you read the one who received his NL in the other DV2010 topic?
What do you think? always fiction???? :confused:

Plz, do not be severe with my english... I'm a french native interest by English :D

Do you hear me? :rolleyes:
None yet!!! Hope the stuff starts pouring into my mail box before I loose control over my heart beat.
My friends,
Just wait ONLY 2 days. In the next two days until 28/MARCH/2009, it will be a good news for some of you!!!;)
wow! Just check your mailbox and be patient. :cool:
I think that income NL are late this year because there is something new this year!!!
Applicants will be able to check if they were or not selected. before sending NL to winners, they have to save correspondant confirmation numbers for the online official checker website.

Just pray for our case...:rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

Je me battais plus haut juste pour dire que le KCC a un peu plus de travail cette année puisqu'il faudra que le 1er juillet le site web soit près pour que tout un chacun puisse vérifier son statut.
Ceci pourrai justifier le retard des notifications cette année. je pense ;)

Attendons juste encore un peu.
Si on a pu attendre jusqu'ici, depuis octobre (pour mon cas, car j'ai "apply" le premier jour) on le pourra encore jusqu'en Mai.
Mon adresse postale etant au cameroun, je sais que les premiere notifications arriverons à partir de mai.

Bone chance à tous... :D :D