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DV2009 Winner


Registered Users (C)
I am really excited to see a white big envelope finally after 2 years of trying for DV. My case number is 2009AF00027XXX.
Is this case any good and do i have any chance of getting DV. I keep reading about case getting current based on bulletins.
Can someone guide me to the right thread please?
For those who havent got it yet, keep trying until you succeed.
Thanks for all your help.
Foreign State chargeability is UGANDA but living in DUBAI. The notification letter is dated 24th Apr 08 but i guess i received around 2 weeks back when i was away on a business trip.

Is this case any good and should i be completing all the paper work soon?

Any help will be greatly appreciated.
your case number may be current on April 2009 sure u c n good and every thing will be fine .
congratulation.......... god bless you
Hi nagysorial, do you know any dv 2009 winner from egypt? , 4831 winners from egypt and nobody in this forum !!!!!!!?
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hi: Sugar Pie :
At Alexandria city i knew one person got NL his cn 2009000021***he got it on April 2008 postman said : about 5 letters ongy at the city till 1 th june
what about u ??
I am really excited to see a white big envelope finally after 2 years of trying for DV. My case number is 2009AF00027XXX.
Is this case any good and do i have any chance of getting DV. I keep reading about case getting current based on bulletins.
Can someone guide me to the right thread please?
For those who havent got it yet, keep trying until you succeed.
Thanks for all your help.


Congratulations!!I know how it feels to get that white,big envelope from KCC.
Since you're from UG you're number might be current next year April/May,check the past bulletins to see the previous years,here is the link:


You are in the right place,read last years threads they're very helpful.

Natoka TZ,unaongea swahili?

So nice to see my fellow East Africans here.

Thanks for all the inputs.

My wife doesnt seem to have a birth certificate from UGANDA but her Passport does have birth place as UGANDA. Is this considered as a valid proof of birth? If the church from place of domicile endorses her birth place, is this considered good?

Appreciate your responses.

Birth Certificate

My wife was born in Nsambya Hospital, Uganda. Unfortunately, i only have a birth record certificate from St Peter's Cathedral Paris, Nsambya and not from the hospital. We know live in the UAE.

Can you please let me know how to get the birth certificate from the hospital.

Appreciate if you can also provide the name of the person/department and the contact numbers of the hospital.
