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DV2009 Portugal - Any news?


Registered Users (C)
Hi everyone!

I've been around for a few months, basically since I submitted for the DV2009 Green card lottery. This forum is very helpful, for sure.

I wanted to know, and since the lottery is rarely spread over the media in my country :(, if anyone has received - or heard of - the Notification Letter here in Portugal. Unfortunately, last year, only 48 were lucky winners.

Good luck to everyone.:D

not here...

I've applied too and got no NL yet.
FYI the postal service was on strike last week, so...

Fingers crossed, hopefully we'll get our NL soon ;)
Hi again, i made a chat for the portuguese ( but other can participate too) candidates to talk.
Please click here to enter:

Other than the lucky one who got the NL in USA, I haven't heard of anything here yet...

Until when are we supposed to wait to be sure that in fact we weren't lucky? End of June?
From what I've heard, until July.
NL have just now been arriving to Europe - Spain, France, Ireland - so hopefully there's still time... :s