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DV2009 - Have you recieved the 2NL?


Registered Users (C)

I called KCC two weeks ago and they told me (or I understod) my interview would be on october 1st, but I haven't recieved the 2NL yet. How many of you have recieved it?. Should I ask KCC again for my 2NL. It's only 2 weeks for my interview and I don't have the letter :S. Is it normal?

Dv 2009

Hello to everybody

My case number is 2009DV00010***
I checked the Visa Bulletin for November is 11000 For EU.

How long to wait 2 Letter from Kentucky.And if not arrive who to call and what to say?


Can u wrtie down your case number little bit clearly.
Like 2009EU00010XXX or 2009EU00001XXX. U can skip last three digit.
I got it. Today I got the 2nd NL. I expected a lot of papers, but they are only 5. They don't say anithing about the documents I need to bring or the places where I can do the medical exams. Are those 5 papers all they send? or someone has recieved something else?

By the way, my package has one paper that is addressed to the Physician-in-charge, but it start saying "Riyadh, Saudi Arabia", and I'm from Europe!??!?! Do you know what is that either?

I know what has happened. They have commited a mistake and sent me the paper of medical checks for Saudi Arabia instead of my country !?!?!?. Does it happend to anyone ever?
Today I called KCC and they will send me the right medical papers (the medicals from my country instead Saudi Arabia :S). I don't know if it had happend to you too
Hi all, my case will be current in november 2009as00005***, what to do for furthur processing? i have emailed kcc on 15 september, but in 17 september kcc reply me this :

Thank you for your inquiry.

When inquiring about the status of your case, you are required to provide your full name, complete case number, and date of birth. For security purposes, KCC cannot reveal any information regarding your case if you cannot provide all the required information.

Public Inquiry
SI International / Kentucky Consular Center
Williamsburg, Kentucky
(606) 526-7500

and in 17 september i resend my email with all required information they need for.
is it okey ? or some thing wrong, pls advise me. its urgent.
Hi all, my case will be current in november 2009as00005***, what to do for furthur processing? i have emailed kcc on 15 september, but in 17 september kcc reply me this :

Thank you for your inquiry.

When inquiring about the status of your case, you are required to provide your full name, complete case number, and date of birth. For security purposes, KCC cannot reveal any information regarding your case if you cannot provide all the required information.

Public Inquiry
SI International / Kentucky Consular Center
Williamsburg, Kentucky
(606) 526-7500

and in 17 september i resend my email with all required information they need for.
is it okey ? or some thing wrong, pls advise me. its urgent.


I get the same answer from Kentucky.
If someone knows about this please answer.

hello dele !

did you include all require things, as they asked for ?? like date of birth, case number and your full name ? In my case i initially forget to write my date of birth, now i resend it with the all required informations.
Today I called KCC and they will send me the right medical papers (the medicals from my country instead Saudi Arabia :S). I don't know if it had happend to you too
From which country you need the medical information? I'm sure we have someone here who can help out with a scan.
From which country you need the medical information? I'm sure we have someone here who can help out with a scan.

Hi Tazz! The medicals should have been for Spain, and they were for Saudi Arabia. They may commit this mistake because they both start wit S :D.

Another thing I want to know is the content of the 2nd NL. Few days ago I saw in this forum a 2nd NL and it was about 15 papers (I think it was for anyone from Germany). Mine has 1 for medical, 1 for photo size, and 3 wich say when my interview is and the name of applicants. They say nither the documents I need nor the vacination I have to have nor the rules I have to follow to enter to the consulate. It's a kind of wired, because without accurate information an applican could make lots of mistakes and he could not be able to provide what they need (even if the applicant had all the documents, because he wouldn't know what is required)

Well, I will be very thankful if someone had the medical information for my country and wanted to share it with me, and if you know how many sheets they sent ;)
