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dv2009 and K1 fiancee visa


Registered Users (C)
I'm an EU citizen and I've met this american citizen with whom I fell in love with. As we did not know yet how our relationship was going to evolve and I have always wanted to try and work abroad, I applied to the dv2009 hoping that I got lucky.
Meantime things started to get more serious and he is wanting to fill in a K1 petition. I told him to wait as I want to see if I get my NL first, the main reason being that I want to be sure he is not feeling pushed to marriage but also because I don't know if we can have both the petition and the dv2009 process running at the same time.
The point is to save time, so in case the NL doesn't arrive we'll still be able to be together next year if I get my K1. :)

So basically the question is: can I have both processes running at the same time? If not, any thoughts on how should I solve this?
It is not advisable to do 2 AOSes. But yoou could do one CP and one AOS in parallel. Or you could do two CPs at the same time (not though K1 though). Moreover, you could continue with CP even if you have a greencard already. That way you will get an uncoditional GC on top of a conditional one.
Well, I applied to dv2009 and I am hoping to get my NL but it seems no NLs were sent to Portugal yet and also :p I know my odds...
So the idea was to start a K1 petition and save some time there (I know someone who got it in 8 months) in case I never get the NL although, as I said, the GC would be my first choice.

It's just that... we just want to be together, really. So the sooner the better.