• Hello Members, This forums is for DV lottery visas only. For other immigration related questions, please go to our forums home page, find the related forum and post it there.


Vocational Experience Without O Level

I need an urgent response pls! I've heard that the embassy has stop giving visa if you don't have 5 credits. If you have a vocational experience like handwork, works like taylor, contruction worker, mechanic and so on. To what extent is this true? Pls let me know ur opinion about this issue.

I have a friend that won and he's into construction which part of job in US Dep of Labor Bronchure. For some reason i've been very concern. We'll be paying about 1500 dollars for visa processing not to talk of the other fees. Pls let me hear from u.
vocation experience

Name check
Really the basic requirement i know they use is the WAEC ordinary level, but if anybody is using vocational experience, it is better he/she check the kinds of jobs/vocation that can be allowed in http://www.travel.state.gov/visa/immigrants/types/types_1319.html
U know most vocations in Nigeria are not really regared as vocations over there. Then he/she must be able to prove beyond reasonable doubt that he/she actually have the experience and knowledge requied in such a vocation. proofs, proofs, proofs. But the easiest to prove is the WAEC. Yaba, Lagos will simply send ur result direct to them. Best of luck.
i can tell u that without WAEC you are out ( i read it some where in my form that any applicant without WAEC should be diqualify.) so the first thing they will ask you is your education qualification.

The processing fee and visa fee is $755 no more no less

it is better for u to have police report from any country you are coming from (if you have spend more than six month. (this is subject to your passport. if your have in ur passport that u are out of the country for over six month then u must get the police report.

If you dont want any problem or you are unable to get the police report then you can obtain another passport. (Soryy that is the only solution for that. (Note the black american will only chech ur doc., the white will do the interview ) Pls go to the interview with all doc. that are nessary, even those that you think are not nessary.

About education

In ur form i belive u must have filled in view to some certiicate of yours.
pls go to the interview with you certificate and or transcript . pls make sure you hand it over to the lady incharge of the doc. (she may want to say "dont mind you will be fine with this one" say no , you want all document submited for you plssssssssssssssssss. The consular will interview you base on the docs submited and remember u are not allow to go and bring any other doc. after ur interview date. except if ur affidavit of support is not ready.

Every one should note that as from 2005 THERE IS NO CARRY OVER OF VISA TILL THE FOLLOWING MONTH. WHICH MEANS THAT ONCE YOU DONT GET YOUR VISA FOR THAT MONTH IS????????????????????????????????????
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The USA website is still claiming that if you have a High School Diploma (Cert) or working experience. Even the visa lottery instruction specifically says it. Why are they denying people without O level these day? Is the DV intruction misleading?

I copy the info below from their website

equirement of the DV program.
Education or Training: An applicant must have EITHER a high school education or its equivalent, defined as successful completion of a 12-year course of elementary and secondary education; OR two years of work experience within the past five years in an occupation requiring at least two years of training or experience to perform. The U.S. Department of Labor’s O*Net OnLine database will be used to determine qualifying work experience.
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Waec (5credit)

i must confess to u that it happen to me i have HND in accounting and 12years working experience yet they denied me saying am not qualify ( although my # fell into sept which is the last month of the DV 2005.). i have to hire two IBRU lawyers (famous immigration lawyers) that cost me almost $1300. you know that in Nigerian naira.

Right there in my present as at that sept they denied more than 5pples in front of me.

They said 5 creadit = i have HND
They said 2 years work experience = i have twelve
They want only one affidavit of support = i gave them three.
actually i submited all they required and even more (my personal account,insurance,assets etc ) and they collect $355*5 from me. can you belive this? so i want to belive that those latter winner are called so that they can make money.

But dont usE my case to judge yourself ok? i want to belive that the whole visas has been issued out as at the time i got there.

I got a letter from them throught my lawyer that they will re-visit my case at their own time.

God can be on your side and can give u favour in prent of the consular that will interview you.

i will try and scan what i have in the second pack for Nigerians as per the education of a thing.

THEY DONT FOLLOW RULES HERE IN NIGERIA. ANY PAPER U ARE TAKING TO THE EMBASSY MUST BE PROVED BEYOUND douth. AS THEY BELIVE THAT ALL PAPER FROM NIGERIANS ARE FAKE. (i dont blame they, they know we are poor and they are ready to cheat us the more. our leader hand us over to them. )

Thanks! Adesoji

I really appreciate your response. Im sorry to hear about your case. I came to Chicago in 2000. Thank God i had 5 credits but back then. The work experience is usually accepted if u can prove it. U know 1 thing i hate is that, when they give us instruction and we follow it, are we suppose to be blamed. Better yet, the can remove the work experience and base everything on Education.

I can't blame them, its not their fault. We Nigerians discriminate ourselfs more than white man does. I was in NGR about a yr ago, i greeted someone in Yoruba, she replied me in English and i broke into laugh.

I'm a Charttered Accountant, english is not a problem. I was jst trying to feel at home. U know the Ebos "Kedu Odinma" Hausa "Sonu, Sonu". Only Yoruba has problem speaking their language.

We'll say these people are bad, those people are bad and we're all blacks. We need to stop it. Oyinbo people are nice if you think about it. We have goodness in us we just need to start using it among ourselves.

In short, im risking 1500 dollars just to know if they can give a friend of mine and his wife a visa. He would never 4give me if i discourage him. We're just praying that he gets lucky.

Lets help ourselves! God Bless Nigeria! God Bless America!

adesoji, i really sympathise with ur case. And i believe what namecheck said. The rules are not applied appropriately to Nigerians, the consular people hardly believe us..... so if they see any excuse whatsoever to deny people the visa, they use it. Really the rule says high school equivalent or 2 years occupational experience, but the only one used in Nigeria is the high school (our own secondary school - waec). And u can imagine, with so much spent b4 and during the interview!

About monthly visa carry over...... if the reason for postponement is genuine and they give u another date...... u will be given. I know somebody that was scheduled for interview in April.... postponed it thrice.... and eventually given in September. Though this might be an exceptional case.

Pls adesoji, i know somebody who had been denied this year, how can he get in touch with u to be able to use the services of lawyer to help him pursue his case?

Many thanks.

My heart goes to the person that was denied. He can get legal advice but i will strongly suggests that he shouldn't spend any huge amount of money on a law suit that will yield nothing.

USA has technicalities in their immigration law and it is almost impossible to win a case against them regardless of the legitimacy of the case when it comes to DV lottery. The mindset is that how could you sue me for offering you an opportunity to come to my country.

Let him contact a legal personnel for advice. I strongly encourage not to spend to much money (ofcurse too much money definition depends on his pocket). For a millionaire too much money could be millions, and for someone else it could be 50,000 Naira. He just need to use his discretion.

If he sues the response could be that we will contact you as soon as we make a decision (As soon as can be 1day or 50yrs).

I just which that they'll treat us the same they treat other countries. Nigerians are not violent, though we love money a little bit, but hey, who doesn't? Everybody (Black, white, brown, pink) does! Nigerians are contributing a lot to the GDP of other countries, i just wish our government will provide more opportunity so we can use our talents to the benefits of our country.

Not that i'm encounraging looters, if they retain the looted money in our economy, people like me and u would benefit. More jobs will be available. Instead, they open business in Swiss, UK, and so on. You know what? God is judging them day by day. I'm sure you've heard recent stories in NGR! Where is Adisa Kareem? Where is Abacha? There are more recent stories which it's best not to mention.
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Thanks for your comments, i have taken the way it come .
you can not sue the US Local embassy here, but you can only appeal and the response to your appeal depends on them . ok?

i have taken off my mine about this matter looking for more better ways. DV is still on and have put in again (The will of God shall be done) but if any thing good comes out of it fine..................................?

The IBRU lawyers are very expensive and i find out latter that any immigration lawyer can do what they have done. but if you want to use them my mobile # is 08027194944. and my addy is adesoji37@hotmail.com

Thanks i belive that God will visit the nation soon .

sorry guys am very busy in the office i have to go !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i will visi tomorrow.
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Don't worry! God will provide other means. But you never know what God has in store for you. It is a good idea to appeal their decision if it cost nothing. Local laywer or the person can type up an appeal and present it at the embassy but like i've said, they know most of us are desperate to get out thats why the whole thing is as it is.

Trying doesn't hurt! Mofesinmitirem-You can tell the person to try apealling but remember it also depends on the basis he was denied for.

Good Luck
Namecheck and Adesoji
Many thanks for your suggestions and comments. U know after spending so much to prepare for the interview and during the interview, and u are thrown out for just a flimsy excuse or just becos they dont believe us at all. It pains!! It is high time they specify what exactly they require from Nigerians.

if our leaders have not bastardised this country, we would not be in this situation.... those countries.....even western countries would envy us. Going out of the country will not be a mark of success.

Like u said.. God is dealing with them one by one........ they will not be able to enjoy the loot.

Thank u all
Yes checkname. Mofesimitireni must understand that it depends on the ground they are denieing his/her friend.

I was told am not qualify which is a big lie, that's why i decided to pursue it

My lawyer took all my documents compiled them with a letter from my company (as i work in an International company well known in Nigeria )and the letter of diqualification was sent directly to the C-General (knowing well that they are very wrong in their dicition.).

But there is no harm in trying


The 2007 DV is still on hope is not lost
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I have been reading that only WEAC o level five credits is acceptable. Does that mean people who did teachers grade II are not qualified?. What about the NECO?
Waec Is The Bases.


We all know that WAEC is the foundation of everything. :( Not only WAEC is the qualifying certificate :) , all certificates are recognised but WAEC is their bases. :mad: ok?

So teachers grade II or NECO are ok ;) , my sister is haveing NECO and she is in the Nursing school, if she wins, that is what she will use. :cool:

After darkness there is always light.

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You're right. We should spice this thread up. My Friend and his wife will be going to the Interview on Monday. Pls pray for them both. He's claiming a working experience. I'll let you guys know how it goes.

I know NGRS can pray. Pls show me what u've got.

I believe they're good and ready to go with their documents. Actually the interview is Tuesday. His job is acceptable , i just hope and pray they'll come home with trophy.

hi everyone please just got my second package and i read thru and found out i have to pay a total fee of 755 dollars please do i have to pay that in dollars when i get there or in naira, if its in naira whats the equivalent i have to pay. Then please where can i get my police certificate? thank u.