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DV2006 - AOS processing time


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Does anybody know how long the AOS procedure approximately takes from the moment of filing the required forms (when the cut-off number becomes available), to the interview? 3-4 months or definitely longer?
Anybody out there with an AOS successful story?
Any experience to share?
My number is EU73XX, so I guess it should be available in February.
Since, everything goes very slow this year, I'm kind of afraid that 7 months might not be enough (till Sept. 30th, 2006) taking the "AOS route"
Has anybody tried to switch from AOS to CP proccessing that late (mid November)?
I know it's a lot of questions :confused:
I appreciate all the information.
1. the rate of cut off numbers will defenetly increase with the time being. look at the 2002 year since it have some similarities with 2006.
2. i do not know how long it might take for succesful AOs, i would say from 2 months up to .... not being succesfull :)
3. i am doing AOS, mu cut off number if EU 6xxx, i subimitted all documents, i passed biometrix, i am waiting right now further information from uscis, in other words invitation on interview. look at http://www.immigrationportal.com/showthread.php?t=192619 where i am trying to write step by step my action towars GC.
Thanks Borya for your answer.
It looks like you got lucky sending the AOS forms earlier and being accepted since 6XXX will be available in December. I wonder if I should take a risk of sending mine earlier as well. Now I'm really confused in terms of what to do next.
i would send documents now ! but again, some of the people on this forum will argue about this. you should decide it for yourself :) even though, they accepted documents and even though i passed biometrix already, i am still waiting invitation for the interview and this is the last, but very important step. for now, it is difficult to say whether i was lucky or not. but anyway, thank you fo for the warm comment :)
Let me ask you a couple more questions:
1. what documents did you sent?
2. which option did choose in Part2 of I-485?
a. an immigrant petiton giving me an immediately available immigrant visa number has been approved or:
h. other basis of eligibility (stating that you're a DV2006 winner)
2. Which Affidavit of support did you send (I-134 or I-864)
3. Did you mark each and every form of the package you sent with a note that you're "DV2006 winner" or perhaps you put it on the envelope only. (strange as it seems I think it's important so that it can be processed faster but maybe I'm wrong)
1. documents:
a. I-485
b. G-325A
d. medical exam
c. notice from KCC
e. I-94, F1, I20 copy
f. checks, 315$ + 70(biometrix)
g. copy of receipt for 385$ from department of state
h. financial proof(from my university that i have full stipend)
k. two pictures

2. i think i selected "other" where i wrote that i am winner of DV 2006
3. support: i hve full support from my university, i am PhD student, so it was very easy
4. i included additional paper where i wrote what documents inside of envelop. i think this is important besause it is showing that you are accurate and you appreciate time of clerk.

borya, thanks for the info. It seems you and I are one the same boat. Im also Phd, and have full support from my school. But the thing is it's me and my wife, shes the one who got won the lottery and so shes petetioning for me. We recieved that letter from KCC saying we can continue with adjustment.
But here's the issue, we did not send DS230 to KCC, I mean they told us not to. Is that a problem or not? Im not sure if the forms are the same since we are int he Africa Batch and you are in Europe.
How long did it take to get the recipt fromthe department of state? I just sent mine. How about the medical exam, how long did you wait for the results. I spoke to one Dr who said it will take about a week and I plan to do it this week. My number is like 16XXX so I still have time to complete all documentation since it's probably coming in January or February.

Anyway thanks for the info
1. you did not send DS230 because you are doing AOS. i did the same. Ones KCC finnish processing you case, they will send you aknowlegments that they finnished you case and you should contact your local USCIS.
i hope, that since your wife won GC the rules stays the same.....
2. it takes 1.5 week to get receipt from Department of state
3. med exam: HID: 1 week, all others in the same day. i recommend to do the next think: i hope you have your student insuranece, so you can pass your exam for free in your local hospital. after that, call to any of doctor which is eligible for filling your form, make an appointment. the hole process will take 1 day and aroun 150$.

Thanks once again!!
I'm meeting an immigration lawyer today who is giving a seminar at my school. Hope he can give me some more tips and if you have any questions just post them and I will ask and pass the answers.
I have already contacted a DR in the area and they said about $180, anyway im in NYC so that is probably ok. They said it will take about a week to get the results. I guess after that I will be ready to send everything and just wait for the interview. I heard that having a lawyer can help sometimes since they may have inside people and can help expediate your case. How true is that? But lawyers are so expensive and for students, the cost is way out of reach for us.
if you see this before you go to the seminar, can you ask if a PhD student who has teaching or research assistanship can continue working on campus after submitting AOS documents without an EAD?

Working on campus

sorry I did not see your note before going to meet the lawyer. Anyway in terms of your work situation, I think as long as you are working on campus you do not need to get an EAD. Particularly if you are like a teaching assistant or something, really it is part of your training and the school requires you to do the teaching so I dont think immigration will have a problems with that. The only time you can have problems is if you take ajob outside the school and you do not have Carricula Practical Training. Thats not allowed and so if you ever do get a job outside the school, like teaching or some internship, make sure you have the CPT thing so that you are not going against any rules.
Hi, I am a PhD student. I had J1 and authorization to work on campus. If you have authorization to work now, you will be able to work with that without EAD after submitting your AOS.