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DV Requirement in Education


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Hi friends i am from Kenya

I recently filled my DV application for DV 2010 and i selected my education level as (high school no degree) BUT why i selected that due to i finished my High school GCSE 'O' level in 2002 UK syllabus but i kinda didn't get the good marks/grades so i was not awarded a certificate from the GCSE so all i hold is my completion of secondary from my SCHOOL and my school leaving certificate so on the basis of completion of my secondary education is it possible i am get through or how to you friends suggest please all who can assist please do i am stressed,Do u require certain marks in secondary.

only is ok for aplication dv lotery education nivel high school certification(12 years education school).
Thanks the for your reply

I have accomplished my 12 years educational school for which i am certified by the school e.g my school leaving certificate(showing i finished my 12 year,FORM 4),school results...BUT I AM NOT CERTIFIED BY THE BRITISH COUNCIL SINCE I DINT DO WELL IN THE EXAMINATIONS ....but my question is if u do not pass in the exams in year 12 but although your through with the 12 years education then can you still use the educational requirement and even through i have completed my 12 years education course i selected high school no degree did i do the right thing?

thanks in advance
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I'm confused.....in my country, Nepal, we do O-levels after 9 years of education...which makes o-level only equal to 10 years of education...this is even true in Britain. Is the system different in Africa. The British Council did not give you a cerificate..umm..that means you failed.
k but here in Kenya i did KCPE TILL 8 years of education then did GCSE 4 Years thats 8+4 =12 but true i failed and lets be honest why lie if i failed i failed and but i am searching for a better opportunity what can you suggest
but i have a document my school leaving and mark sheets saying i have finished my secondary education,BUT my basic question is do you need to pass your exams to use the education requirement...in the dvlottery
A Secondary School Education is not enough to qualify for the DV...you need a high school degree. But i don't about Kenya: So the best thinng to do is to call the embassy in Nairobi and keep on pressing 0 untill an operator picks up. Then you ask him to transfer you to the right section....and there.....you ask them.

And of course, it makes sense to say that you need to pass your exams in order to say that you have this or that degree.
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mimi niko sawa sawa na wewe?
rwali i am in Nairobi

well sure i will find out from the local embassy but in job experience i am in a graphics designing company past 4 years so can that help !!!! and here even i have a issue i don't have a certificate in graphic designing but i have been doing it through experience,does that job allow me to pass and with the little experience i have but no certificate
mimi niko sawa sawa na wewe?
rwali i am in Nairobi

well sure i will find out from the local embassy but in job experience i am in a graphics designing company past 4 years so can that help !!!! and here even i have a issue i don't have a certificate in graphic designing but i have been doing it through experience,does that job allow me to pass and with the little experience i have but no certificate
Listen, you only have a very slim chance of winning the lottery, so don't fret over it too much. Your troubles begin if you win.
I have a question regarding the Education requirement to enter the DV2010.

In the education system of my African country, there are two paths: long and short:
• The long path is 13 years of school: 6 years of elementary school +7 years of secondary school. This is a more general curriculum that prepares students for university. A High School degree is awarded at the end of the 13th year if successfully completed.

• The short path is 12 years of school: 6 years of elementary school + 6 years of secondary school. It is oriented toward preparing student for the job market with a technical formation. A technical diploma is awarded at the end of the 12th year if successfully completed.

Does the short path meet the requirement for the DV2010 entry giving it covers 12 years of school?

Thank you very much for your help.
Can you apply for admission to all universities in your country just after 12 years? Or your education is not enough for some of them?
Hi raevsky,
Thanks for your reply.
As I mentioned in my post the 12 years diploma is more oriented in preparing the student for the job market. Only in very few cases, like being at the top for the national group, that students are allowed to pursue a university degree.

Thanks again.
Then your education is not enough for the program, unless you fulfill it through job, or finish education by the date you submit forms to KCC after you win
Thanks again raevsky for your help.
I am sure I would qualify based on my professional experience.

The question is what education level should select in the entry form?

Thanks again.
All that educational is a little tricky and they handle it very different from country to country.
In 22 CFR §42.33(a)(2) is writtten:
successful completion in another country of a formal course of elementary and secondary education comparable to completion of twelve years’ elementary and secondary education in the Unites States.
For applicants from Germany that means 4 years primary school and 6 years secondary school, which finish with a degree called "Realschulabschluss" are satisfactory.
All that educational is a little tricky and they handle it very different from country to country.
In 22 CFR §42.33(a)(2) is writtten:

For applicants from Germany that means 4 years primary school and 6 years secondary school, which finish with a degree called "Realschulabschluss" are satisfactory.

Here I quote your message of November 2008.
However, as of October 2007,


9 FAM 42.33 N7.1 Definitions
(CT:VISA-910; 10-23-2007)
The Department’s interpretation of the term “high school education or its
equivalent” means successful completion of a:
(1) Twelve-year course of elementary and secondary study in the
United States; or
(2) Formal course of elementary and secondary education comparable
to completion of 12 years elementary or secondary education in the
United States. Because a United States high school education is
sufficient in itself to qualify a student to apply for college admission,
in order for a foreign education to be equivalent to a United States
education, it should be sufficient to allow a student to apply for
college admission without further education
. Vocational degrees
that are not considered a basis for further academic study will not
be considered equivalent to United States high school education.

At the same time,


Even though the Abitur is often compared to a high school diploma of the United States, the academic level of the Abitur is more comparable to the International Baccalaureate and Advanced Placement tests — indeed, the study requirements for the International Baccalaureate differ little from the Finnish exam requirements. It is the only school-leaving certificate in all states of Germany that allows the graduate (or Abiturient) to move directly to university. The other school leaving certificates, the Hauptschulabschluss and the Realschulabschluss, do not allow their holders to matriculate at a university. Those granted certificates of Hauptschulabschluss or Realschulabschluss can gain a specialized Fachabitur or an Abitur if they graduate from a Berufsschule and then attend Berufsoberschule.

So, Realschulabschluss should not be enough for DV purposes now, because the instructions after October 2007 require ability to be admitted to universities without further education.

The question is whether you know anybody with Realschulabschluss but without Abitur, and without necessary work experience, who satisfied DV requirement and got a visa in DV-2008 or later.

I was just asked whether Realschulabschluss is enough, and I saw your post. Is the information on the wikipedia correct?
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Bottom line is that a successful completion means completing your high school and passing your exams. From my knowledge educational systems differ from country to country. It will be wise to ask your local embassy what they consider for your country. Remember they are there to help you.