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DV Lottery, is it a MEANT TO BE thing or not?


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I've been thinking this days about this lottery thing and now already moving on...Since we aren't sure about how is the procedure that is used to select winners, well they claim is random, but I don't think so, if it was, they would't have any problems sharing what they do, ...but anyway...

I'm wondering if winning the lottery is something that must happen to you the first time or otherwise you'll never get it...I'm being very pessimistic here but after 4 DOUBLE times (my wife and I) being not selected I started to think that we'll never be, that probably there is something in the "random selection process" that has put us in a "ignore" list or something like that..

Just wondering what are the chances to be selected after being not for 4 or more times...is still there any hope for me and my spouse?

Also we both have B1/B2 Visas, we are originally from Morocco (so arab country..), we are 35 and 33 years old, both with Colleges Degrees, etc.. we visited many times US, and in my case each time I go I need to go through second inspection at inmigration (male, arab, Engineer....mmm you know..), so I'm not sure if this had made something to ban me from the "random" lottery proces..

I'm sorry guys, just trying to get a rational explanation...
Don't be too frustrated.I just read in another forum, that one person finally won this year after applying since the lottery was launched back in the 90's.
Do not count the May results as an actual draw, unless you entered on the 5-6 Oct you were not even up for the selection. DOS does publish results with the numbers of winners from each country and the total number of entrees. What else do you want them to tell you?
Based on the May fiasco, it's now pretty easy to figure out how the system works. Basically, your confirmation number contains two important pieces of info -- the fiscal year and the region you are from. For instance, DV-2012 conf#s from Europe would have followed the 20121XXXXXXXXXXX pattern ,while Asia, 20122XXXXXXXXXXX...I guess Africa has 3 or 4 after 2012...Based on these, the system will divide the entrees into groups/regions and randomly re-arrange them (aka select winners). For instance, the first 30,000 from Europe will get C# EU201200XXXXX, etc.
What happened in May, was that the randomizing algorithm failed and the entrees were never re-aragened....it was like a first comes firsts serve...more or less...
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Just wondering what are the chances to be selected after being not for 4 or more times...is still there any hope for me and my spouse?


I applied 8 times in the past 9 years as a single entrant. Finally I was selected for further processing in DV2012. Honestly, I had given up on the idea that I would ever win as a single entrant, but i was lucky enough this year. My advice: dont rely on it too much, but keep applying. It doesnt take too much time or effort anyway.
I was selected for further processing of dv lottery in May, 2011. Sent the forms to KCC. But I wasn't selected in July redraw. I'm on the verge of applying for FI visa. Please, what are my chances looking at the fact that I have indicated interest to become immigrant. I need help on what to do.It will be greatly appreciated
I've been thinking this days about this lottery thing and now already moving on...Since we aren't sure about how is the procedure that is used to select winners, well they claim is random, but I don't think so, if it was, they would't have any problems sharing what they do, ...but anyway...

I'm wondering if winning the lottery is something that must happen to you the first time or otherwise you'll never get it...I'm being very pessimistic here but after 4 DOUBLE times (my wife and I) being not selected I started to think that we'll never be, that probably there is something in the "random selection process" that has put us in a "ignore" list or something like that..

Just wondering what are the chances to be selected after being not for 4 or more times...is still there any hope for me and my spouse?


Well you will have to understand the chances of being selected are VERY VERY low. So don't worry, your not alone. The other millions of people not selected are as confused and disappointed as you are but you have to understand the chances are EXTREMELY low. The odds of winning I say are nearly the same as winning inbetween 3-4 out of 6 numbers in a normal lottery. Once again people have been playing 5 or 6 times before being selected. Me, my second time so that obviously voids your theory that it has to happen to you the first time or it never happens at all.

You can try find other ways into emigrating to the United States, some things you have to work hard for... Sorry and good luck!...
Do not count the May results as an actual draw, unless you entered on the 5-6 Oct you were not even up for the selection. DOS does publish results with the numbers of winners from each country and the total number of entrees. What else do you want them to tell you?
Based on the May fiasco, it's now pretty easy to figure out how the system works. Basically, your confirmation number contains two important pieces of info -- the fiscal year and the region you are from. For instance, DV-2012 conf#s from Europe would have followed the 20121XXXXXXXXXXX pattern ,while Asia, 20122XXXXXXXXXXX...I guess Africa has 3 or 4 after 2012...Based on these, the system will divide the entrees into groups/regions and randomly re-arrange them (aka select winners). For instance, the first 30,000 from Europe will get C# EU201200XXXXX, etc.
What happened in May, was that the randomizing algorithm failed and the entrees were never re-aragened....it was like a first comes firsts serve...more or less...

all of this is BULL and unconfirmed information. However, its interesting to see all the theories all the people not selected come up with.
Also we both have B1/B2 Visas, we are originally from Morocco (so arab country..), we are 35 and 33 years old, both with Colleges Degrees, etc.. we visited many times US, and in my case each time I go I need to go through second inspection at inmigration (male, arab, Engineer....mmm you know..), so I'm not sure if this had made something to ban me from the "random" lottery proces..

I'm sorry guys, just trying to get a rational explanation...

This is by far the silliest thing I have read on this forum this week. Yes they are really going to ban you from the "Dv lottery" just because your an arab with a college degree... Ignoring the fact thousands of people from the middle east get selected for the DV lottery each year. I'm sorry it wasn't you this year so move on...

By the way with B1/B2 visa you NEED to go through second inspection for immigration purposes, not because your arab... You are more likely to be denied B1/B2 visa over the "ban" of the DV lottery which is a ridiculous theory.
This is by far the silliest thing I have read on this forum this week. Yes they are really going to ban you from the "Dv lottery" just because your an arab with a college degree... Ignoring the fact thousands of people from the middle east get selected for the DV lottery each year. I'm sorry it wasn't you this year so move on...

By the way with B1/B2 visa you NEED to go through second inspection for immigration purposes, not because your arab... You are more likely to be denied B1/B2 visa over the "ban" of the DV lottery which is a ridiculous theory.

Well first try to understand what I'm talking about, second have some respect with others opinion..

My wife doesn't go through SECONDARY INSPECTION, and she is arab as well, nor others that I know, and I had many times the same CHAT with the Immigration Officers at IAD or JFK borders while doing the check, and the response from them is the same: "The embassy of USA in Madrid asked to check your clearance status each time you get into the country"...because I've applied for the VISA in Madrid...

Please, look for "FINS" number in Internet and you'll learn what I'm talking about...yeah, I have a FINS ****ing number on my VISA that others don't have... it's a number in a huge list of POSSIBLE SUSPECTS...learn more about what you talking ...

Did you know that whenever I leave the US I have to go to the recruitment office at the airpot to get an EXIT STAMP on my passport after checking with their computers (apart of having to give back the I-94 form to the airlines...), but strangely my wife doesn't need to do so (just needs to give back the form), kids don't need to do so either, nor the elder people, ... just some arab males between 25-35 years and with special profiles... <------ WORDS FROM THE INMIGRATION OFFICER HIMSELF

I think your ignorance on the subject is actually the silliest thing I've read this week in this forum!
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I think your ignorance on the subject is actually the silliest thing I've read this week in this forum!

Ok, you can believe yourself that out of all the millions of people who joined the DV lottery they had to ban you, simply just because you are an "arab". Makes a whole load of sense...

By the way you said you have a degree? Why not make an effort to find a job in the US for a visa sponsor? If you can't do that then even if you move here anyway with a GC I can't see you ever landing a job here. Lot's of people I know aren't twiddling their thumbs hoping they are going to win the DV lottery just like that. Nope, they work hard as alternative routes for otherways to live in the US so they won't have to worry about the dv lottery. They send hundreds of applications to the US hoping for a sponsor and eventually get one, because they TRY and not complain. Then we get people like you who depend their whole lives on the DV lottery and hoping to win then when you don't get selected you complain by making up stupid assumptions thinking your "banned" from the "dv lottery" just because you are an "arab" and not make any effort with your life as alternate routes. I'm afraid in life you need to work harder to accomplish goals in this world my friend. These things like the DV lottery aren't going to come to you as easy as that!
Ok, you can believe yourself that out of all the millions of people who joined the DV lottery they had to ban you, simply just because you are an "arab". Makes a whole load of sense...

By the way you said you have a degree? Why not make an effort to find a job in the US for a visa sponsor? If you can't do that then even if you move here anyway with a GC I can't see you ever landing a job here. Lot's of people I know aren't twiddling their thumbs hoping they are going to win the DV lottery just like that. Nope, they work hard as alternative routes for otherways to live in the US so they won't have to worry about the dv lottery. They send hundreds of applications to the US hoping for a sponsor and eventually get one, because they TRY and not complain. Then we get people like you who depend their whole lives on the DV lottery and hoping to win then when you don't get selected you complain by making up stupid assumptions thinking your "banned" from the "dv lottery" just because you are an "arab" and not make any effort with your life as alternate routes. I'm afraid in life you need to work harder to accomplish goals in this world my friend. These things like the DV lottery aren't going to come to you as easy as that!

It seems you still don't get the point... it's not a matter of being an arab... it's being a matter of have been registered into the SPECIAL REGISTRATION LIST when getting into the country, thous -> FINS number.... please read again... As I said, my wife is arab too, and she doesn't need to go through what I do... that's my question about -> Is there any chance to be banned from the DV lottery because this issue? , I don't think is a SILLY question, do you?

Yes I have a degree, but as you know, right now in the US companies don't hire foreign people with NO VISAS in order to save lawyers and such costs if you are not a cut edge person with 23949384938 degrees and very rare to find in the US....Don't talk to me as if I don't know the different ways, I travel many times to the US and I know what I'm talking about... However with a Green Card then is easy to find a job since the contractor doesn't need to deal with any Lwyer or visa issues...not mentioning how hard is the HB visa application for the contractor side...
Yes I have a degree, but as you know, right now in the US companies don't hire foreign people with NO VISAS in order to save lawyers and such costs if you are not a cut edge person with 23949384938 degrees and very rare to find in the US....Don't talk to me as if I don't know the different ways, I travel many times to the US and I know what I'm talking about... However with a Green Card then is easy to find a job since the contractor doesn't need to deal with any Lwyer or visa issues...not mentioning how hard is the HB visa application for the contractor side...

Quite simple really, if you're not qualified enough for a HB visa or working visa of any kind for the US then the US does not want you to work here. The US want and only want qualified experienced people, the US takes in millions of qualified immigrants into their country per year. My parents were immigrants, they had to work hard, very hard and apply dozens of job applications a day before finding the perfect job abroad. It's all about commitment and if you qualify, if you're not quit complaining and get more job experience and try again.
The rudeness in some of you guys in astonishing.Cant you chat without harsh words and arrogance.Ai...!
Quite simple really, if you're not qualified enough for a HB visa or working visa of any kind for the US then the US does not want you to work here. The US want and only want qualified experienced people, the US takes in millions of qualified immigrants into their country per year. My parents were immigrants, they had to work hard, very hard and apply dozens of job applications a day before finding the perfect job abroad. It's all about commitment and if you qualify, if you're not quit complaining and get more job experience and try again.

USA is not bringing people with HB visas, the american companies are which is a different thing....look I'm an industrial engineer since 2004, with 2 Masters in Electronics and in NDT, and nobody gave this to me for free, I had to work very hard as well, I'm alread an immigrant in Spain, and I HAD to work hard to get where I am, no my parents since I came when I was a child...but it seems you don't know very well how the HB1 visa thing works in USA...THE COMPANY THAT SUPPORTS YOU HAS TO GO THROUGH A VERY DIFFICULT PROCESS TO APPLY FOR THE VISA IN BEHALF OF YOU, NOT YOU, NOR THE US GOVERNMENT, .and this process costs money to the company, since it needs a lwayer and almos 10k$...nowadays it's very hard to find a US company that is willing to pay this money and to go through this HASSLE to bring someone from abroad...it's not that easy .... and on top of that, the number of HB1 VISAS per year is limited, you can be out....so the result is that trying to find a JOB in the US from OUTSIDE THE US with no PAPERS (work VISA or resident permit) IS REALLY HARD......I do think you don't know what this means...it's not like looking for a job IN THE COUNTRY with papers...
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H1B visa is easy to get if you are working for the forein company(american) in your country. That's how people receive this type of visas from here. Not sure for Spain, if there are alot of foreign IT companys. By applying by yourself it's really not so easy to get a job in the US and receive such kind of visa.

I'm currently working for an american subsidiary in Spain, since 2007, that's why I travel so many times to the US for attending meetings, this and that...whenever I asked them for a reallocation chance, they always answered to me the same thing: it's very difficult and means a high quantity of money to invest.

This is why I've put my hopes on the Lottery, since if I won, they won't have ANY EXCUSE...sometimes I feel like taking advantage of one of these trips, and stay 3 more weeks by my own to start looking for a job, but again, I just have a B1/B2 Visa and even a company accepts to interview me, they will refuse when they know I can't legally work.

Is this true? What about the L1 Visas?
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You seem like a man better off living a ok life working for a (what sounds likes) nice company with business trips to the United States on regular basis. it's not like it's life threatening living in Spain. Why want to move? Your past posts made it seem like you were starving and living homeless in Spain that the United States was your only option left... lol