DV case - Approved - Experience stated ..


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Dear Folks -
Here is my experience, this is to share so that others may benefit just like I did in the process.
I was arrested in Nov. 2005 for simple battery and child cruelty (was going throug quite a bit those days, wife and I got into argument, my little daughter was present, so other charge was there as well).
After 6 months charges were dropped, case expunged( case went for pre-trial, pleaded -Not guilty, but as part of pre trial diversion, I agreed to my background check).
No fine, no punishment except for court fee of $55. Since my ground was clean, they dropped the charges.

Well, As I read other people's experince, my expeince with my IO was horrible. To begin with she was agitated ( may be some personal issue). She made a big deal about the whole issue but at that time I was so accepting that I did not bother if I get it or not.
So I was calm and stay very respectful. She later found the date descrepency in expungement papers and asked me to submit clarification. I got that in a week's time.
So after 2 months, I got the oath letter.
Folks - if you have any question, please send me private message or post it on web. I'll be happy to respond. It was ATLANTA DO.
Dear Folks -
Here is my experience, this is to share so that others may benefit just like I did in the process.
I was arrested in Nov. 2005 for simple battery and child cruelty (was going throug quite a bit those days, wife and I got into argument, my little daughter was present, so other charge was there as well).
After 6 months charges were dropped, case expunged( case went for pre-trial, pleaded -Not guilty, but as part of pre trial diversion, I agreed to my background check).
No fine, no punishment except for court fee of $55. Since my ground was clean, they dropped the charges.

Well, As I read other people's experince, my expeince with my IO was horrible. To begin with she was agitated ( may be some personal issue). She made a big deal about the whole issue but at that time I was so accepting that I did not bother if I get it or not.
So I was calm and stay very respectful. She later found the date descrepency in expungement papers and asked me to submit clarification. I got that in a week's time.
So after 2 months, I got the oath letter.
Folks - if you have any question, please send me private message or post it on web. I'll be happy to respond. It was ATLANTA DO.
What's up with ADO and DV, dude? Historically, they are pretty stringent about DV cases, is what I gather. Anyway, glad you shared your experience and volunteered to help others, who may need it.
Historically, they are pretty stringent about DV cases, is what I gather.
In the OP's case the charges were dropped and he pleaded not guilty, therefore no conviction. Had he been convicted or plead guilty at pre-trial (even if charges were later dropped), it would have been a whole different story.