DV arrest and citizenship


New Member
My husband was arrested 9 and half years back for Domestic violance and was released immediately.
Later the case was dismissed in the court.
After that we applied for Green card and we got the green card (both myself and my husband).
While applying the green card, he had mentioned about the arrest and gave the copy of case dismissal.

This year we applied for citizenship and he did mention about the case in the application and attached the
copy of case dismissal.
We both went for an interview last month. In the interview, the IO asked my husband to get the
attested copy of the case dismissal. Next day we took the attested copy from the court and gave it the
immigration office. Later they said, the case is in pending status and it would take 2-6 weeks to take any
My citizenship got approved and I got a oath letter too.
My concern is, will this DV arrest and case dismissal will cause any problems for my husband's citizenship approval.
Any feedback is greatly appreciated.
Not necessarily true. If it was dismissed after serving some punishment like community service or probation, it would be considered a conviction for immigration purposes.

There was no punishment or probation. The case got dismissed in the court thru lawyer which we hired.
Same here with DV

i was married to a women here in US who she lived with me for 6 months and created problems for me as she was an alcoholic. She put me in DV and got me arrested. Second time she and her daughter were trying to beat up my children and I called 911 and they arrested me again since she lied to the officers that I hit her. When, i called because she was trying to corner my daughter and choked her.

The case was dismissed by the State as she herself gave the statement that she did all this because of her daughter who wanted to get back and because her ex-husband would not allow her to marry someone outside his race. Since, she was married to someone outside his race he used to abuse me over the phone and also wanted to get her back to where she was living.

The IO wanted certified copies, which I am trying to get since the record is expunged. But, I am trying to reopen it and he wanted to see it and also wanted the certified copies. Once, I get that let me see what he gets. Other than that, it is in gods hands.
I've a similar scene. DV arrest, no probabtion/punishment. Charges were dropped. I had interview on June 8. Officer noted that date of arrest on expungement papers were different than others (I did make a mistake in expungement request papers). I provided papers acknowleding that error from autorities on June 16. Waiting on response. My is Atlata DO.
Boston2 - what is your DO?
Mine is Chicago Office. My attorney is filed a petition today to get the certified copies of the arrest records. It should have been filed today, but not sure. I dont know how long they would take to get this. I need to submit this before the 24th of this month.
Will this have an affect on my jobs? As, I am not happy as I had a clean record and never even had a speeding ticket for 10 years now, but this evil women came into my life and rewrote my entire fate. I had been doing everything in the right way and I never had any bad remarks in my life. But, I only trust in god.